Antioxidative activity of chrysin (CYS) on the B12N12 nanocage has been evaluated by density functional theory
with B3PW91-D3 and M06-2X-D3 methods. Adsorption behavior and study of topologies demonstrated that the CYS
has chemisorbed to the nanocage and shows notable changes in the electronic properties of B12N12. The antioxidant
properties of the CYS and CYS/B12N12 systems have been studied in the different environments by the M06-2X-D3
method. The findings demonstrated that in the vacuum phase and water, benzene, and ethanol solvents, the BDE (5OH), PDE, PA values of CYS/B12N12 are smaller than those of CYS system. The current study implied that B12N12
nanocage can increase the antioxidative properties of the CYS.
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Cite this paper: Vietnam J. Chem., 2021, 59(2), 211-220 Article
DOI: 10.1002/vjch.202000168
211 Wiley Online Library © 2021 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi & Wiley-VCH GmbH
Chrysin flavonoid adsorbed on B12N12 nanocage - A novel antioxidant
Atefeh Khalili
, Mohammad T. Baei
, Seyed Hossein Hosseini Ghaboos
Department of Food Science and Technology, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr,
Golestan, Iran, postal code: 49617-89985
Department of Chemistry, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Golestan, Iran
Submitted September 29, 2020; Accepted January 8, 2021
Antioxidative activity of chrysin (CYS) on the B12N12 nanocage has been evaluated by density functional theory
with B3PW91-D3 and M06-2X-D3 methods. Adsorption behavior and study of topologies demonstrated that the CYS
has chemisorbed to the nanocage and shows notable changes in the electronic properties of B12N12. The antioxidant
properties of the CYS and CYS/B12N12 systems have been studied in the different environments by the M06-2X-D3
method. The findings demonstrated that in the vacuum phase and water, benzene, and ethanol solvents, the BDE (5O-
H), PDE, PA values of CYS/B12N12 are smaller than those of CYS system. The current study implied that B12N12
nanocage can increase the antioxidative properties of the CYS.
Keywords. Chrysin, antioxidative activity, antiradical mechanisms, B12N12, DFT.
Flavonoids have been accepted as one of the largest
and most widespread bioactive materials, and subset
of phenolic compounds that can be found in
vegetables, plants, and fruits.
Flavonoids showed
potent scavenger activity against reactive nitrogen
and oxygen species. They can transfer hydrogen’s
and electrons to RONS which stabilizes them
providing relatively permanent flavonoid radicals.
Furthermore, flavonoids can chelate to metals for the
prevention of radicals generation as well as
activating antioxidant enzymes in deactivating free
radicals. They are used in food products of the
packaging in order to enhance the products' shelf-life
and bioactive compound content due to their
oxygen-sensitivity as an active antioxidant
Chrysin is a flavonoid and an analog of
apigenin included in natural products (Pleurotus
etc.) and many
plants (Passiflora caerulea,
Oroxylum indicum,
etc.). It has the
high remedial power of transferring the intestinal
membrane and also can be used to afford a wide
variety of pharmacological activities particularly
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
In late years, there has been an increasing
attachment in using boron nitride nanotubes and
other boron nitride nanostructures as promising
materials for therapeutic agents
with significant
prominence in cancer therapy. Boron nitride (BN)
has distinguishing features containing substantial
electrical-insulating performance, high resistance to
oxidation, high Young’s modulus high thermal
conductivity and stability, and high chemical
BN fullerenes were characterized by
electron irradiation or arc-melting methods, with
their chemical compositions and cage-like structures
were examined by transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and time-of-flight mass spectrometry
BNNPs have become an important
topic in this field because of the wide availability of
boron nitride and its inherent features of low
toxicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility.
Also, in the last few decades, the potential of boron
nitride for biomedical uses in the medic field, such
as drug delivery, imaging and cellule stimulation
was increased.
Hence, adsorption of chrysin on
appropriate surfaces can be used as an election to
increase its lifetime. There are several kinds of
research focused on the chrysin adsorption on
different substrates.
Moreover, boron nitride
nanostructures have been widely used for the
detection and sorption of drugs.
On the other
hand, in late years, research into boron-including
compounds has notably increased in pharmaceutical
Also, it has been widely used for the
detection and absorption of noble gases.
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© 2021 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi & Wiley-VCH GmbH 212
is, therefore, significant to comprehend the influence
of B12N12 nanocage on the antiradical activity of
chrysin in order to deliver new clues to the
development of antioxidants. Moreover, we
evaluated the efficacy of the polar and non-polar
solvents on the antioxidative activity of the systems.
We evaluated the improvement of antiradical
activity of the CYS through the interaction with
B12N12 nanocage by DFT calculations. Geometries,
charge transfer characteristics (QT) between CYS
and the nanocage, density of states (DOS),
molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), and frontier
molecular orbital (FMO) of the considered systems
are computed with B3PW91- GD3BJ and M06-2X-
D3 methods. The M06-2X method
is usually used
to be the most appropriate one for main groups in
chemistry and noncovalent interactions.
Therefore, geometry calculations and vibration
frequencies were carried out on the nanocage, all
molecules, ions, and various chrysin/B12N12 systems
by the M06-2X/6-31G*
method with an
empirical dispersion term (M06-2X-D3) in the
Gaussian 09 program.
Then, the vibrational
frequencies for the optimized geometries were
computed at the M06-2X-D3 level combined with
the 6-311+G* basis set for thermodynamic
parameters. For the systems, the basis set
superposition error (BSSE) and the dispersion
interaction effects were calculated. Solvent effects
were checked out by using the SMD continuum
solvent model on the energies of all studied
For the relaxed systems, the adsorption
energy (Ead) of chrysin on the B12N12 surface is
obtained using the following equation:
Ead = ECYS - B12N12 - (ECYS + E B12N12) + EBSSE (1)
where ECYS - B12N12 is the energy of CYS/B12N12
system. E B12N12 and ECYS are the energies of the pure
B12N12 and chrysin. The phenolic antioxidants show
a significant role in the oxidative process mainly
through three accepted radical scavenging
In this research, the antioxidative
activity of the phenolic compounds were
investigated using the bond dissociation enthalpy
(BDE), ionization potential (IP), proton dissociation
enthalpy (PDE), proton affinity (PA) and electron
transfer enthalpy (ETE).
For the hydrogen atom
transfer (HAT), antioxidative activity of phenolic
antioxidant (ArOH) can evaluate by electron transfer
from the phenolic system to the free radical. It can
be shown as follows:
ArOH + R
→ RH + ArOº (2)
The HAT in equation (2) is defined by the BDE
of the O-H bond.
[28] The molecules with a lower
BDE value illustrate the greater antioxidant capacity
of the systems. The BDE value can be specified by
the following equation:
BDE = ΔH (ArOº) + ΔH (Hº) – ΔH (ArOH) (3)
In the single electron transfer-proton transfer
(SET-PT) method, an electron is transferred from the
antioxidant to a free radical and forming a cation
radical as computed from equation of 4:
Rº + ArOH → R− + ArOH+º (4)
The IP and PDE are related to the first and
second steps of SET-PT mechanism.
+ ArOH+º → RH + ArOº (5)
The IP and PDE values were determined from
the following equation:
IP = ΔH (ArOH+º) + ΔH (e−) – ΔH (ArOH) (6)
PDE = ΔH (ArOº) + ΔH (H+) – ΔH (ArOH+º) (7)
And in the last step, sequential proton loss
electron transfer (SPLET) method was calculated
from the following equation:
ArOH → ArO− + H+ (8)
+ Rº → ArOº + R− (9)
The PA and ETE values were calculated from
the following equation:
PA = ΔH (ArO−) + ΔH (H+) – ΔH (ArOH) (10)
ETE = ΔH (ArOº) + ΔH (e−) – ΔH (ArO−) (11)
The calculated values of gas and solvent phase
of H (H+), H (e−) and H (H.) were determined from
Refs. [29] and [30].
3.1. Adsorption behavior of Chrysin on B12N12
Figures 1 and 2 display the relaxed structures, MEP
and FMO plots of the B12N12 nanocage and chrysin
in the vacuum environment. The nonpolar B12N12
nanocage is the smallest stable boron nitride
fullerene with Th symmetry which is composed of
six 4-membered rings (4-MR) and eight 6-
membered rings (6-MR). As depicted in figure 1, the
B-N bond lengths in B12N12 are calculated to be 1.44
Å (6-MR) and 1.48 Å (4-MR) in a vacuum
environment by the B3PW91-D3 functional. The
FMO and MEP plots on B12N12 nanocage is also
shown in figure 1. FMO analysis represents that the
Vietnam Journal of Chemistry Chrysin flavonoid adsorbed on B12N12 nanocage
© 2021 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi & Wiley-VCH GmbH 213
HOMO and LUMO distributions are mostly
localized on the boron and nitrogen atoms of the
B12N12 nanocage as shown in figure 1. MEP plot of
B12N12 represents that the boron atom of nanocage is
the most desirable site for the attraction of
nucleophilic agent, while the oxygen atom of
Figure 1: (a) Geometrical parameters, (b) MEP and (c, d) FMO plots for the optimized structure of B12N12
obtained by the M06-2X method. The distances and angles are in Å and degrees
carbonyl group in chrysin (quinolic system) with red
color can be the most susceptible site for the
electrophilic attack to boron atom of B12N12 in
comparison to phenolic system, defined by the
distribution of charge density. As shown in figure 2,
the CYS has one nucleophilic site containing oxygen
atom (-0.560 |e|) because it has a negative
electrostatic potential surface. The FMO analysis
illustrates that the HOMO and LUMO are mostly
localized on the carbon and oxygen atoms of the
drug. The lengths of C=O, C5-O, and C7-O bonds for
the CYS molecule are computed to be 1.25, 1.33,
and 1.35 Å by the B3PW91-D3 and 1.24, 1.33, and
1.35 Å by the M06-2X-D3 method, respectively. In
these analyses, the results obtained at the B3PW91-
D3 method are similar to the M06-2X-D3 method.
As shown in figure 3, CYS molecule is adsorbed
from its carbonyl group on boron atom of B12N12
nanocage with the interaction distances about 1.54 Å
by the B3PW91-D3 method. The adsorption energy
for the CYS/B12N12 system is found to be -32.16
kcal/mol in the vacuum environment. As it can be
seen in figure 3, the adsorption of CYS induces a
local structural deformation on both the CYS and the
B12N12 nanocage. The bond length of C=O of CYS is
increased from 1.25 and 1.24 Å in isolated CYS to
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1.29 Å in the CYS/B12N12 system by the B3PW91-
D3 and M06-2X-D3, respectively. This behavior is
in agreement with the change in the frequency of
C=O bond in the structure. The vibratory frequency
of the bond is reduced from 1767.71 and 1823.38
in free CYS to 1614.71 and 1646 cm
in the
CYS/B12N12 system by the B3PW91-D3 and M06-
2X-D3, respectively.
A natural bond orbital
(NBO) charge about 0.12 e transfers from the CYS
to the B12N12 nanocage. This can be understood by
the fact that the CYS tends to share some electron
with the LUMO site of the B12N12 nanocage. The
HOMO-LUMO gap (Egap) CYS is found to be about
4.51 eV (B3PW91-D3) and 6.83 eV (M06-2X-D3).
After adsorption of CYS on the surface of B12N12
nanocage, the value of Egap was reduced to 3.44 and
5.81 eV by the B3PW91-D3 and M06-2X-D3
methods, respectively (figure 4). The difference in
the Egap value in the CYS/B12N12 system was 50.99
(B3PW91-D3) and 54.23 % (M06-2X-D3),
respectively. As expected, a significant decrement of
Egap is accompanied by the increase in the electrical
conductivity of B12N12 nanocage.
Hence, B12N12
nanocage can exhibit an electrical noise in the
presence of CYS and can be used as biosensor for
medical usage.
Figure 2: (a) Geometrical parameters, (b) MEP and (c, d) FMO plots for the optimized structure of Chrysin
obtained by the M06-2X method. The distances and angles are in Å and degrees
3.2. Antioxidative mechanisms of CSY on B12N12
3.2.1. HAT mechanism
In the HAT mechanism, the strength of a phenolic
antioxidant to exist as stable radical species when
breaking a hydrogen atom from its phenolic OH
group was measured that can be characterized by the
BDE. The lower values of BDE represent an easier
reaction and the greater antioxidant activity of the
configuration. The BDE and ΔBDE values, where
ΔBDE = BDE (CYS/B12N12 system) – BDE (CSY)
for the O-H of CYS and CYS/B12N12 system in
vacuum environment in addition in the different
solvents (water, ethanol and benzene) are computed
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at the M06-2X-D3 level as listed in table 1. For
CYS, the lowest BDE is at 7O-H and the BDE value
in 7O-H in the environments is lower than that of
5O-H, because 5O-H situation taking part in inter
hydrogen bond so, 7O-H of CYS is the most
effective for OH radical attack. In the previous
for CYS in water and DMSO phases, 7O-
H is also more suitable for radical attack, because
the BDE value of 7O-H in these two solvents is
lower than that of 5O-H. Also, as can be showed in
table 1, the lowest BDE value for the CYS/B12N12
complex at situation 7-OH of the systems in the
vacuum and benzene environments. In truth, it can
be assumed that for the systems the 7-OH group
undergoes the HAT mechanism with the most
possibility. On the other hand, the BDE values (5O-
H) of CYS/B12N12 complex in the vacuum, water,
benzene, and ethanol environments are lower than
BDE values of CYS. Therefore, the ΔBDE values
(BDE CYS/B12N12 –BDE CYS) in the environments
for 5O-H are negative. Nevertheless, negative value
of ΔBDE for the systems represent that CYS
adsorption on B12N12 nanocage in the HAT analysis
with lower BDEs may present stronger antioxidant
activity in comparison to CYS in the reported
Figure 3: Calculated geometries (a), MEP (b), and FMO (c, d) for CSY/B12N12 system
Table 1: Bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) and ΔBDE in kcal/mol of O-H
obtained by the M062X-D3 functional
CYS B12N12-CYS system
5O-H 7O-H 5O-H 7O-H 5O-H 7O-H
Vacuum 100.44 89.42 98.42 92.90 -2.02 3.48
Benzene 98.65 89.60 95.59 93.06 -3.06 3.46
Ethanol 94.61 91.92 92.45 93.78 -2.16 1.86
Water 94.82 92.91 92.80 95.55 -2.02 2.64
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Figure 4: Calculated TDOS plots for CSY (a), B12N12 (b), and CSY/B12N12 (c) systems
3.2.2. SET-PT mechanism analysis
In this mechanism an electron is transferred from the
antioxidant to a free radical and forming a cation
radical that is characterized by IP, then, a proton
donation carried out from the cation radical and is
governed by PDE. A stronger the electron-donating
ability and the proton donation ability is expected
upon having lower values of IP and PDE. The
effects of substituents (phenols and chromans),
several substituted anilines
on the IP value were
reported in the literature. In this paper, we are
reporting on the computed values for the IP, ΔIP,
PDE, and ΔPDE for the CYS and CYS/B12N12
system in the vacuum and solvent environments
through M06-2X-D3 functional (tables 2 and 3). It is
noted that the calculated IP and PDE values have an
obvious sensitivity towards the polarity changes of
the solvents where these values are computed to be
lower in polar solvents (ethanol and water)
compared to those of the nonpolar (vacuum and
benzene) solvents. This shows that polar solvents
Table 2: Ionization potential (IP) and ΔIP in
kcal/mol calculated by the M062X-D3 level
system ΔIP
Vacuum 182.71 185.87 3.16
Benzene 159.57 174.44 14.87
Ethanol 141.09 148.41 7.32
Water 140.59 146.29 5.70
enhance the electron-donating and the proton
donation abilities of the CYS and CYS/B12N12
system. Moreover, the ΔIP values (IP CYS/B12N12 –IP
CYS) was positive showing that the formation of a
cation radical in CYS/B12N12 system is not as easy as
those of the CYS and stands for the more activity of
the CYS in the first step of the SET-PT mechanism.
The sequences of PDEs and BDEs for OH groups of
the systems are similar whereas the 7−OH groups
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undergo the mechanisms with the most probability.
Herein, it is expected that the 7−OH group of the
CYS and CYS/B12N12 system generates the most
stable cation among the studied structures.
Moreover, the ΔPDE values (PDE CYS/B12N12 –PDE
CYS) in the environments were negative. This shows
that the proton-donating ability of the cation radical
of the CYS/B12N12 system in the environments are
stronger than that in the CYS, resulting in a higher
antioxidant activity of the CYS/B12N12 system.
Table 3: Proton dissociation enthalpy (PDE) and ΔPDE in kcal/mol calculated by
the M062X/6-311+G* method
CYS B12N12-CYS system
5O-H 7O-H 5O-H 7O-H 5O-H 7O-H
Vacuum 230.54 219.51 225.36 219.21 -5.18 -0.30
Benzene 37.77 28.70 19.83 17.30 -17.94 -11.40
Ethanol 16.10 13.41 6.62 7.97 -9.48 -5.44
Water 21.11 19.20 13.38 16.14 -7.73 -3.06
3.2.3. SPLET mechanism analysis
SPLET is known as the other significant mechanism
for the antioxidative activity of a given
molecule/system. Deprotonation of a flavonoid and
forming a flavonoid anion is the first step of the
SPLET analysis. PA is herein a significant
parameter indicating for the capability of proton
donation. In the second step, an electron is
transferred from flavonoid anion to free radical
(ETE). The calculated PA, ΔPA, ETE, and ΔETE for
the CYS and CYS/B12N12 system in the vacuum
environment and the different solvents were
calculated and shown in tables 4 and 5. Here, the
polarity dramatically affects the PAs value obtained
by our calculations where the PA values for the CYS
and CYS/B12N12 systems are decreased drastically
from the vacuum environment to the solvent
environments. The sequences of PAs for the OH
groups in the structures in these environments also
demonstrate that the 7−OH groups almost creates the
most acidic hydrogens and the deprotonation of
7−OH groups forms the most stable anion in the
calculated structures showing the important role that
the 7−OH group of the compounds play in the first
step of SPLET mechanism. Moreover, ΔPA values
(PACYS/B12N12 –PACYS) in environments were
obtained as negative (especially in vacuum and
benzene environment), showing that the PA value of
the CYS/B12N12 system is smaller than that in the
CYS which results in a higher antioxidant activity of
the CYS/B12N12 complex. These findings suggest
that the interaction of CYS on the B12N12 nanocage
enhances the antir