The facile fabrication of g-C3N4/SnO2 S-scheme heterojunctions for photocatalytic removal of NO under
visible light is reported. Optical and electrochemical investigations indicate the formation of these
heterojunctions that enable bending at the interface of g-C3N4 and SnO2 and give rise to an efficient
separation. A high photocatalytic 500-ppb NO removal performance of 35% and low NO2 generation of 2%
are realized after 30 min of visible light irradiation upon the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction with 30% of gC3N4 addition. In contrast, the bare g-C3N4 extensively produces NO2 greater than 12% compared to 30%
from the g-C3N4 sample. This study also shows that the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction is a stable catalyst
system and superoxide radicals play a crucial role in the photocatalytic NO removal. Since the preparation of the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction reported in this work is straightforward, it can potentially
enable the preparation of highly robust visible-light-driven photocatalysts to remove NO pollution.
© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Constructing g-C₃N₄/SnO₂ S-scheme heterojunctions for efficient photocatalytic NO removal and low NO₂ generation, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
, 32
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), 475A Dien Bien Phu Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Viet Nam
high efficiency [6,7]. However, the photocatalytic process generates
cause human diseases such as airway inflammation, pulmonary
edema, or even death [8,9]. Therefore, to apply photocatalytic
technology in the experimental condition, a desirable photocatalyst
NO2, (ii) be stable
r a wide range of
paration method.
nging to realize a
e of poor perfor-
O2, and lack of an
llent candidate for
erformance in NO
n large scales, effi-
ostability [13e15].
However, its wide bandgap is a significant barrier to the widespread
while, current studies have reported graphitic carbon nitride (g-
C3N4) as an excellent supporter of visible-light-driven photocatalysis
[17,18]. The advantages of g-C3N4 come from its strong covalent CeN
bond, large specific surface area, sustainability, and straightforward
fabrication. Unfortunately, g-C3N4 generates NO2 during the NO
removal under the light because of its poor photo-induced oxidiz-
ability [15,19]. Thus, the combination of SnO2 and g-C3N4 could
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.M. Thi).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Science: Advanc
.e l
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 551e559Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.or converts NO to NO2, which is much more toxic than NO and can use of SnO2 for visible-light-driven photocatalysis [12,16]. Mean-1. Introduction
Nitric oxide (NO), resulting from fossil fuel combustion-based
technologies, has become a severe problem over the last few
years. This gas causes acid rain, photochemical smog, and plays a
key role in inducing particulate pollution [1e3]. Currently,
comprehensive approaches for removing NO pollution include a
wide range of chemical, biological, electrochemical, photochemical,
and photocatalytic technologies [4,5]. Among these approaches,
photocatalysis is highly preferred because of its low energy con-
sumption, ease of synthesis and operating conditions, low cost, and
for NO removal should: (i) generate very little
upon light irradiation, (iii) be able to work ove
light, and (iv) have a scalable and simple pre
Despite significant progress, it remains challe
photocatalyst that meets these criteria becaus
mance under visible light, a high generation of N
appropriate design for scalable production [10e
Among the semiconductors, SnO2 is an exce
removing NO by photocatalysis due to its high p
degradation, many active sites, quick synthesis o
cient reduction of NO2 generation, and photArticle history:
Received 2 May 2021
Received in revised form
13 July 2021
Accepted 20 July 2021
Available online 28 July 2021
S-Scheme photocatalyst
NO removal
NO2 generation
Visible-light-driven photocatalysis
2468-2179/© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services b
( facile fabrication of g-C3N4/SnO2 S-scheme heterojunctions for photocatalytic removal of NO under
visible light is reported. Optical and electrochemical investigations indicate the formation of these
heterojunctions that enable bending at the interface of g-C3N4 and SnO2 and give rise to an efficient
separation. A high photocatalytic 500-ppb NO removal performance of 35% and low NO2 generation of 2%
are realized after 30 min of visible light irradiation upon the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction with 30% of g-
C3N4 addition. In contrast, the bare g-C3N4 extensively produces NO2 greater than 12% compared to 30%
from the g-C3N4 sample. This study also shows that the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction is a stable catalyst
system and superoxide radicals play a crucial role in the photocatalytic NO removal. Since the prepa-
ration of the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction reported in this work is straightforward, it can potentially
enable the preparation of highly robust visible-light-driven photocatalysts to remove NO pollution.
© 2021 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c tOriginal Article
Constructing g-C3N4/SnO2 S-scheme het
photocatalytic NO removal and low NO2
Pham Van Viet a, b, Hoang-Phuong Nguyen c, Hong
Le Viet Hai a, b, Minh-Thuan Pham d, Sheng-Jie You
a Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, University of Science, VNU-HCM, 227 Ngu
b Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho
c Faculty of Environment e Natural Resources and Climate Change, Ho Chi Minh City Uni
Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Viet Nam
d Department of Environmental Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan
journal homepage: wwwy Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnamojunctions for efficient
uy Tran a, b, Dai-Phat Bui a, b,
Cao Minh Thi e, *
Van Cu Street, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Viet Nam
i Minh City, 700000, Viet Nam
ity of Food Industry (HUFI), 140 Le Trong Tan Street, Tay Thanh
023, Taiwan
ed Materials and Devices
sevier .com/locate/ jsamdNational University, Hanoi. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
an aextend the photoactive range of both materials and improve the
lifetime of photogenerated electronehole pairs [20]. Given the
characteristic band alignment of SnO2 and g-C3N4, it is generally
accepted that SnO2 is an oxidation reaction-based photocatalyst,
whereas g-C3N4 is a reduction reaction-based photocatalyst [18,21].
It is thus intriguing to form an S-scheme interface between SnO2 and
Scheme 1. Schematic illustration of SnO2 NPs by a hydrothermal process, g-C3N4 by
individual materials.
P. Van Viet, H.-P. Nguyen, H.-H. Tran et al.g-C3N4, which is presently an outstanding approach to the con-
struction of heterojunction photocatalysts [21,22]. This is especially
true since the synthesis of SnO2 nanomaterials leads to the formation
of oxygen vacancy sites in the structure such that the band gap of
SnO2 decreases while active sites for the chemisorption of single NO2
molecules are created on the SnO2 surface [23]. This property im-
proves the photoactivity of a g-C3N4/SnO2 S-scheme heterojunction
and helps decrease NO2 emission after the reaction process. Despite
this great potential, a study on heterojunctions comprised of SnO2
and g-C3N4 for degrading NO with low NO2 generation under visible
light has not been thoroughly reported.
Therefore, this work reports the fabrication of a heterojunction
between SnO2 nanoparticles (NPs) and g-C3N4 by physical mixing
and demonstrates promising photocatalytic removal of NO under
visible light. In addition, the interfacial charge transfer between g-
C3N4 and SnO2 in the S-scheme during photocatalytic NO removal is
determined by experimental evidence that includes electrochemical
analysis and trapping test results during scavenger presence in the
photocatalytic reaction. Furthermore, the mass production of SnO2
NPs via a hydrothermal process and the abundance of g-C3N4 could
enable scalable manufacturing of high performance photocatalysts
that solve the pressing problem of NO pollution.
2. Experimental
2.1. Preparation of g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction
The preparation of the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunctions begins by a
mixing process that is illustrated in Scheme 1. SnO2 NPs were
prepared using a simple hydrothermal process according to the
552protocol in our previous studies [12,24]. g-C3N4 was prepared by
annealing melamine at 500 C for 2 h. To prepare the g-C3N4/SnO2
heterojunctions, a total of 0.2 g of material was prepared by varying
the amount of g-C3N4. Hereafter, the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction
will be referred to as x CNS in figures with x indicating the per-
centage of g-C3N4. The powder mixture was then dispersed in
nnealing step, and the SnO2/g-C3N4 heterojunction via a mixing process of both the
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 551e55960 mL of ethanol solvent for 30 minwith vigorous stirring followed
by 30 min of sonication. Next, the mixture was further stirred at a
temperature of 60 C for 30 min. The well-mixed solution is then
heated at 60 C in an oven to dry out the ethanol. The resulting
powder was dried for another 20 min at 100 C to obtain the g-
C3N4/SnO2 composites.
2.2. Characterizations
The phase components of the materials were determined by X-
ray diffraction (XRD) patterns on an Advance Bruker X-ray
diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation (l ¼ 1.5406 Å, 40 kV, 40 mA)
and a step size of 0.02 in the range of 10e80. The structural vi-
brations of the materials were observed by Fourier-transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) where the powder samples were
mixed with KBr followed by a moulding process to obtain a round
pill shape (99wt% of KBr). Thematerials' morphologywas observed
via transmission electron microscopy images taken on a JEM 2100,
JEOL, Japan. The optical properties of the materials were deter-
mined by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) using a JASCO-V-
670 spectrometer equipped with an integrated sphere. Photo-
luminescence spectra (PL) were measured using a fluorescence
spectrometer (Horiba Jobin-Yvon Nanolog, excitation source
wavelength of 325 nm).
2.3. Photoelectrochemical measurement
MotteSchottky plots were recorded with an electrochemical
workstation (BioLogic SP-240). A semiconductor film, a Pt wire, and
a Pt wire in Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl, 0.21 V vs. NHE) were used as the
P. Van Viet, H.-P. Nguyen, H.-H. Tran et al. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 551e559action chamber for 1 h to reach adsorption/desorption equilibrium
in the dark. Finally, the xenon lamp was turned on to start the
photocatalytic reaction. The NO and NO2 concentrations were
digitally monitored every minute by a chemiluminescence NOx
analyser (Sabio 6042) with a sampling rate of 0.6 L min1. The
conversion (e) of NO to NO2 on the materials was calculated by Eq.
(1) below:
εNO to NO2 ¼
where CNO2 (ppb) is the concentration of NO2, CNO (ppb) is the
concentration of NO at time t (min).
The photocatalytic reaction kinetics were quantified by the
LangmuireHinshelwood (L-H) model. The L-H equation is given by
Eq. (2), which shows the relationship between the rate constant k
(min1), time t, concentration Ct, and initial concentration Co as
¼ kt (2)
The efficiency of the photons in the photocatalytic reactions was
evaluated by calculating the apparent quantum efficiency (AQE, %)
as shown in Eq. (3) [26,27]:
ðCo CtÞVt
PhotonFlux IrradiationArea t 1000M 100% (3)
where NA (mol1) is Avogadro's number, (C0) is the initial con-
centration of NO, (Ct) is the concentration of NO at time t (min), Vt
(L min1) is the flow rate of NO, and M (g mol1) is the molar mass
of NO. The photocatalytic test shows that the photon flux was
2.72 1019 cm2 min1 and the irradiation areawas about 78.5 cm2
for our 12-cm diameter Petri dish.
After the first photocatalytic run, the Petri dish containing the
photocatalyst was dispersed in DI, followed by sonication, and
dried at 60 C until the water vanished. Cycling runs for the pho-
tocatalytic activity of NO over the sample are repeatedly performed
under the same conditions.
The reaction mechanisms of the photocatalysts were investi-
gated by the trapping experiment. In this test, the photocatalystworking electrode, counter electrode, and reference electrode,
respectively. A solar simulator (ABET Low Cost) was used as the
light source for the test. The working electrode was prepared as
follows: first, 10 mg of sample was dispersed in 10 mL of 10%
polyvinyl alcohol solution; then, the mixture was sonicated before
coating on an ITO substrate with a size of 1 cm 1 cm; finally, the
substrate was kept at room temperature for 12 h.
2.4. Photocatalytic activity test
The photocatalytic performance of the materials was evaluated
for photocatalytic NO degradation under visible light. First, 0.2 g of
the photocatalyst was dispersed in 25 mL of DI with sonication
assistance. Second, this suspension was coated on a 12-cm diam-
eter Petri dish, followed by a drying step at 60 C for 24 h. The
photocatalyst-coated Petri dish was then placed in a photocatalytic
chamber (30 cm length 15 cmwide 10 cm height), containing a
glass window and a xenon lamp (OSRAM, 300W) 15 cm above. The
mass flow controller (Environics Series 4000) mixed 15 mL of NO
100 ppb and 2985 mL of zero air (Sabio 1001 Generator). The
airstream was flowed through the surface of the sample in the re-was mixed with 1 wt% of one of the scavengers (K2Cr2O7, KI,
553benzoquinone (BQ), or terephthalic) to inactivate the e , hþ, O2 , or
OH, respectively. Finally, the test was prepared with the same
protocol as the photocatalytic test.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Structural properties of as-prepared materials
Structural information of the SnO2 NPs, g-C3N4, and 30% g-C3N4/
SnO2 heterojunction by XRD and FTIR are shown in Fig. 1. The phase
components of the materials were determined by XRD patterns
(Fig. 1a). Typical diffraction peaks of SnO2 are observed with high
crystallinity at 26.7, 34.1, 38.0, 52.1, and 65.2, which are attributed
to the (110), (101), (200), (211), and (112) planes, respectively
[JCPDS 41e1445]. Typical diffraction peaks of g-C3N4 are observed
at 13.1 and 27.7, which are attributed to the (100) and (002) planes
of the tri-s-triazine and the characteristic stacking, respectively
[JCPDS 87e1526]. These typical diffraction peaks of SnO2 and g-
C3N4 also present in the XRD pattern of the 30% g-C3N4/SnO2 het-
erojunction. However, the diffraction peak at 2q ¼ 13.1 has a much
weaker intensity than the peak at 2q ¼ 27.7. Therefore, when
combination g-C3N4 with 30 wt% in the CNS composite, the
diffraction peak at 2q ¼ 13.1 barely appeared. Noticeably, an
apparent expansion is observed for the typical peak at 26.7 in the
XRD pattern of the heterojunction because of two strong diffrac-
tions from (002) g-C3N4 and (110) SnO2 (see the red box for clarity).
Furthermore, vibration signals of both SnO2 NPs and g-C3N4 from
FTIR profiles support the formation of the proposed heterojunction
(Fig. 1b). In particular, the FTIR profile of g-C3N4/SnO2 presents peaks
at 621 cm1 that is attributed to SneO bonds from SnO2 and the
well-known band cantered around 3000e3600 cm1 is attributed to
the stretching vibrations of hydroxyl groups [28]. Peaks at 810,
1242e1576, 1638, and 3000 cm1 are attributed to the characteristic
vibrations of triazine and ring structures from g-C3N4 [29]. In addi-
tion, the macroscopic colour of the samples (see inserted digital
photos) indicates a structural change in the material.
3.2. Morphology observation
The morphology of the bare materials and the heterojunction
are observed using HRTEM images (Fig. 2). The as-prepared SnO2
NPs have a spherical shape with an average diameter of about 2 nm
(Fig. 2a). Meanwhile, g-C3N4 presents a typical bulk-morphology
(Fig. 2b). Upon being combined via the mixing step, the g-C3N4/
SnO2 has a combinative morphology that includes NPs and thick
layers percolating into each other (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, lattice
fringes with d-spacing values of 0.326 nm and 0.249 nm could be
attributed to the (110) and (101) planes of SnO2, respectively
(Fig. 2d). Thus, we confirm the successful preparation of a com-
posite between g-C3N4 and SnO2 NPs.
3.3. Band structure and optical properties
The optical properties of the as-prepared materials are studied
using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) followed by the esti-
mate of their bandgaps by Tauc plots (Fig. 3aec). The absorption
edges in the materials present essential information on the photo-
response, which reflects the photocatalyst efficiency of the mate-
rials. The SnO2 NPs retain their UV-induced response because of the
wide bandgap with an absorption edge below 400 nm. Meanwhile,
g-C3N4 shows a great response in the visible light range with an
absorption edge around 450 nm. The g-C3N4/SnO2 composite pre-
sents a shift of the absorption edge toward the visible light range.
The bandgap of the resulting g-C3N4/SnO2 composite is estimated
P. Van Viet, H.-P. Nguyen, H.-H. Tran et al. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 551e559for two possible cases, i.e., direct and indirect bandgaps. Both cases
unambiguously show a narrowed bandgap compared to the bare
material. This result strongly suggests a heterojunction between
SnO2 NPs and g-C3N4 is formed, leading to the observed reduction
in bandgap. This change indicates that the bandgap of the SnO2 NPs
was likely modified to create a more suitable band alignment,
which will eventually form an interface with g-C3N4. Current un-
derstanding suggests that the combination of SnO2 and g-C3N4
could lead to the formation of a so-called S-scheme heterojunction,
Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns and (b) FTIR spectra of the SnO2 NPs, g-C3N4, and the 30% g-C3N4/S
materials taken by a digital camera.
Fig. 2. Morphology of the materials observed by TEM images: (a) SnO2 NPs after the hydrot
resulting 30% g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction, and (d) at a high-resolution to measure d-spaci
554which is extremely favourable for photocatalytic applications
MotteSchottky behaviours are examined to indicate the
alignment of the band structure of the proposed heterojunction.
The conduction band (CB)/lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
(LUMO) potential of the SnO2 NPs and g-C3N4 is þ0.20 V
and 0.93 V, respectively (Fig. 3d). Thus, g-C3N4 has a higher CB
than the SnO2 NPs, and this trend is the same for the highest
occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy levels. Also, the
nO2 heterojunction. Inset photos show the difference in the macroscopic colour of the
hermal synthesis, (b) g-C3N4 after the annealing of melamine at 500 C for 2 h, (c) the
ng values.
s, g-
Ps, greported work function of g-C3N4 (f ¼ 4:39 eV) is smaller than
that of the SnO2 NPs (f ¼ 4:9 eV) [33e35]. The MotteSchottky
behaviour of the g-C3N4/SnO2 heterojunction presents a shift in
energy level that agrees well with the proposed S-scheme model.
Accordingly, the CB of SnO2 changed from 0.20 V to 0.15 V,
whereas the HOMO of g-C3N4 shifted by 0.05 V (0.93 V
to 0.88 V). In the heterojunction, electrons from the HOMO of g-
C3N4 move to that of the SnO2 NPs and form an internal layer at
the interface. This interesting behaviour enables bending at the
interface of g-C3N4 and SnO2, which likely gives rise to efficient
Fig. 3. Optical properties of the as-prepared materials: (a) absorption spectra of SnO2 NP
(c) SnO2 NPs to the bandgap of 30% g-C3N4/SnO2 NPs; (d) MotteSchottky plots of SnO2 N
materials before and upon being combined.
P. Van Viet, H.-P. Nguyen, H.-H. Tran et al.separation. We thus propose a band energy structure of the in-
dividual materials and the resulting heterojunction after forma-
tion of the S-shaped interface (Fig. 3e). Such an interface promises
to considerably boost photocatalytic performance because of its
prolonged electronehole lifetime.
3.4. Photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared materials
Various photocatalytic NO degradation experiments under
visible light were conducted to evaluate the performance of the as-
prepared materials (Fig. 4). Under irradiation, the blank sample
(without photocatalyst) does not reduce NO, which indicates no
self-reduction/leaching of NO in the system. The SnO2 NP sample
shows a limited ability in degrading NO, mainly resulting from
surface defects, because of its wide bandgap [12,14]. Meanwhile, g-
C3N4 shows a moderate degradation against N