This paper compared the efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms namely
Fixed Price (FP) and Book-Building (BB) in China by analyzing IPOs'
underpricing level. Findings include (1) the FP regime was more efficient than the
BB one because the BB did not reduce the underpricing level in China as expected;
and (2) reasons for this were (i) information transparency of the BB has not
reduced other external effects, for example, impacts of some firm quality and exante uncertainty proxies were still tight or even stronger since 2005; and (ii)
investors were optimistic toward market conditions as higher quality underwriters
invited in the BB procedure as well as the fact that underwriters often lowered offer
price after collecting information from the BB process, which made the
underpricing level rise.
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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Hue University, Vol. 70, No 1 (2012) pp. 121-132
Ho Tu Linh1, Wang Yixia2, Nguyen Dinh Chien2
1College of Economics, Hue University, Vietnam
2School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Abstract. This paper compared the efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms namely
Fixed Price (FP) and Book-Building (BB) in China by analyzing IPOs'
underpricing level. Findings include (1) the FP regime was more efficient than the
BB one because the BB did not reduce the underpricing level in China as expected;
and (2) reasons for this were (i) information transparency of the BB has not
reduced other external effects, for example, impacts of some firm quality and ex-
ante uncertainty proxies were still tight or even stronger since 2005; and (ii)
investors were optimistic toward market conditions as higher quality underwriters
invited in the BB procedure as well as the fact that underwriters often lowered offer
price after collecting information from the BB process, which made the
underpricing level rise.
Keywords: IPOs, Fixed Price, Book-Building, underpricing.
1. Introduction
Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are priced by distinct mechanisms in different
nations. Before 1990, Auction and Fixed Price (FP) were commonly adopted. In the
recent two decades, Book-Building (BB) and its hybrids have nearly become dominant
all over the world (Jagannathan et al., 2010).
Different IPO pricing mechanisms have different efficiency levels of
underpricing. Kucukkocaoglu and Sezgin (2007) found some mixed results supporting
this point. BB was considered as the most effective method because it resulted in more
efficient pricing for sellers compared to FP and Auctions almost half of the studies listed
in their research.
The underpricing phenomenon in Chinese stock market has been studied since
the 1990s. The dramatic high level of IPOs underpricing in the early years of this equity
market is often researched and quoted as an emerging-market problem in many studies.
According to Ritter and Welch (2002), average Initial Returns (IR) in China from 1990-
2000 was the highest at 256.9%. In 2005, the BB pricing mechanism was introduced for
122 Efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms: comparison of book-building and
Chinese IPO pricing regulation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission
(CSRC), which is considered as a milestone of transforming from FP to BB in this
country. The first purpose of this transformation is to make offer price more exact and
deals with the high level of underpricing issue which nearly all IPOs listed on China’s
A-stock market suffer on the first trading day. However, the transformation's results
were unexpected because while most recent studies found a drop of the underpricing
level after 2005, Fei Jiehui (2009) pointed out a different trend in China’s IPO market.
Hence, in order to find out a uniform answer for the current IPO pricing mechanism’s
efficiency, this paper attempted to explore two research questions: (1) in China, whether
the current pricing mechanism - the BB was more efficient than the previous one - the
FP; and (2) why the BB mechanism was more or less efficient in China.
To discover those questions, a set of 709 IPOs listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen
stock market between 2001 and 2009 was used, among which 409 IPOs were listed after
Jan. 1st, 2005 - called the post-BB regulation period. The period before 2005 was the
pre-BB regulation one. Methods for analyzing factors believed significant in
determining the underpricing level were regression models’ establishment and statistical
analysis by a software namely Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
2. Study models
In this paper, Market Adjusted Initial Return (MAR) were calculated in order to
explain the underpricing level of IPOs. MAR was used as dependent variable in
empirical study because it kept away the influence of market conditions and therefore
was more accurate for detecting the efficiency of IPO pricing.
The dependent and independent variables used in this paper were mainly chosen
based on past empirical studies on China's IPOs and proved significant in explaining the
underpricing phenomenon. Their definitions were listed in Table 1.
Three study models used in this paper are:
Model 1: MARi = β0 + β1BKBDi + β2EXCHi + εi
Model 2: MARi = β0 + β1GOVOWNi + β2CNTOWNi + β3ONEYRPRFi + β4EPSi
+ β5ROEi + β6NICAGRi + β7INDUSTRYi + β8LGIPOPRCi + β9DEi + β10PRIEPSi +
β11AGEi + β12PRMKTRETi + β13TIMELAGi + β14LOTTODDi + β15UNDRWRTRi +
β16EXCHi + εi
Model 3: MARi = β0 + β1GOVOWNi + β2CNTOWNi + β3ONEYRPRFi + β4EPSi
+ β5ROEi + β6NICAGRi + β7INDUSTRYi + β8LGIPOPRCi + β9DEi + β10PRIEPSi +
β11AGEi + β12PRMKTRETi + β13TIMELAGi + β14LOTTODDi + β15UNDRWRTRi +
β16EXCHi + β17PRIRANi + β18PRIADJi + εi
Table 1. Definition of Variables
Variables Definition
Dependent Variable:
The percentage increase of IPO’s first-trading day closing price
from its offer price, adjusted by market index return in this same
1 ×
Independent Variables:
Proxies for firm quality
GOVOWN Percentage of government or state-owned enterprise ownership of IPO post offering
CNTOWN Percentage of controlling stockholder ownership post offering
Market-adjusted cumulative return of IPO stock one year post
offering. (P1 and MI1 are IPO’s price of the first listing date of each
month and market index of the same date respectively. P21 and MI21
are values in the 21 listing date of the month i = 11 ,1 ; Yearly Initial
Return-YIR; Yearly Market Return-YMR):
i (%) P
PPIR −= ;
i (%) MI
)MR...MR(MR)IR...IR(IRYIMYIRONEYRPRF 11211121 +++−+++=−=
Historical average earnings per share in last three years before IPO
321 −−− ++
Historical average return on equity in last three years before IPO
321 −−− ++
Compound Annual Growth Rate of Net income in last three years
before offering
124 Efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms: comparison of book-building and
INDUSTRY Industry dummy: if IPO belongs to manufactoring industry, INDUSTRY=1; otherwise 0
Proxies for ex-ante uncertainty
LGIPOPRC Logarithm of IPO proceeds
Historical average Debt/Equity in the last three years before IPO
=i ; 3
321 −−− ++
PRIEPS Offer Price/earnings per share before offering
AGE Time between the date of IPO firm filing registration with China’s Commerce Bureau and listing date
Proxies for controlling
Book-building period dummy: if IPO listed after 2005, BKBD=1;
otherwise 0
PRMKTRET Market index’s cumulated return 30 days before offering
TIMELAG Lag of time between the date of IPO offering and listing
LOTTODD Odd of winning the lottery of online IPO allocation, equal to
reciprocal of oversubscription ratio
Underwriters’ ranking, UNDRWRTR=0 if IPO’s total capital (TC) >
1000 billion RMB, 1 if 100 < TC ≤ 1000, 2 if 10 < TC ≤ 100, 3 if 1
< TC ≤ 10, otherwise 4
EXCH Exchange dummy: EXCH=1 if IPO is listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange, otherwise 0
Other proxies
PRIRANGE Percentage of offer price range settled in preliminary book-building process.
Percentage adjustment of final offer price from the expected offer
price (arithmetic average of high-end and low-end prices in price
range) implied in preliminary BB.
3. Hypothesis development
In this section, hypotheses were developed according to previous researches.
Regarding the theme of (1) whether BB was more efficient than FP in China or not,
although the efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms is on debates, a lot of international
researchers have believed that the BB efficient was over others’. Beside this, excluding
one domestic scholars of China, most authors found evidence proving the BB’s ability
in significantly reducing the IPO underpricing level. Moreover, Fei Jiehui (2009) who
found the negative results of this method predicted that there would be a better scenario
for its underpricing level in the long run. So, we assumed Hypothesis 1 to be tested by
Model 1 (Table 2). In terms of the second question of (2) why the BB mechanism was
more or less efficient in China, two key possible reasons were information asymmetry
related to firm characteristics and uncertainty and investors’ optimistic toward market
conditions. Basing on reviewing a literature, other 5 hypotheses were assumed and
tested through Model 2 and Model 3 (Model 3 equals Model 2 plus PRIRANGE and
Table 2. Research Questions, Hypotheses and Study Models
Question Hypothesis Model
(1) Whether BB
was more
efficient than
FP in China or
1. Book-Building was more efficient than Fixed Price
in China.
(2) Why the BB
mechanism was
more or less
efficient in
2. Effect of firm characteristics on underpricing
significantly decreased after BB was introduced in
3. Effect of ex-ante uncertainty on underpricing
significantly decreased after BB was introduced in
4. Private companies significantly explained the
underpricing level in China, especially after using the
BB mechanism.
5. Higher quality underwriters in the BB procedure
significantly reduced the underpricing level on both
6. In preliminary BB process, higher percentage of
offer price range settled and higher percentage
adjustment of final offer price from the expected offer
price implied would associated with higher
underpricing on both SHSE and SZSE.
126 Efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms: comparison of book-building and
4. Data analysis and findings
After conducting the Komogorov – Smirnov test, the normality condition was
assured among the dependent and independent variables before they were regressed
against each other. This part shows results from analyzing the regression models.
4.1. Comparison of Book-Building and Fixed Price methods in China
Hypothesis 1 was tested by Model 1 conducted on three groups: full sample,
sub-sample on SHSE and sub-sample on SZSE. Table 3 represents results of regression
for effectiveness of BB on the three groups. For the group of full sample, BKBD had a
positive co-efficient with MAR but it was not significant. This does not support
Hypothesis 1 that the underpricing level significantly decreased after the BB method
was introduced. In addition to this, EXCH marked a significant negative co-efficient
with the underpricing level at -.262, which indicates that IPOs listed on SHSE seemed
to have lower underpricing level than those listed on SZSE.
Table 3. Regression Result for the Effectiveness of Book-Building, 2001-2009
Coefficient Model 1 (Full Sample)
Model 1 (Sub-
Model 1 (Sub-
β0 1.215*** 1.035*** .676***
β1(BKBDi) .007 -.274*** .617***
β2(EXCHi) -.262*** - -
No. of IPOs 709 369 340
Adjusted R2 .021 .027 .039
(Note: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01).
Table 3 showed the co-efficients of BKBD for both groups of SHSE and SZSE
which were really significant on 5% level. However, while the underpricing level
decreased by 27.4% on average after BB was used for IPOs on SHSE, it grew with a
faster speed of 61.7% on SZSE. Therefore, the effect of BKBD on MAR of the full
sample as a whole was weaker than that of SHSE or SZSE separately. To sum up, the
finding was obviously against Hypothesis 1 that with the introduction of BB regime,
IPO underpricing on China’s A-stock market has not decreased on SZSE as well as on
the full sample of 709 IPOs, which means that the BB mechanism was not more
efficient than the previous method of FP in China.
4.2. Reasons why Book-Building was more efficient or not
4.2.1. Information asymmetry related to firm characteristics and uncertainty
To test Hypothesis 2 and 3, the significance of theory proxies before and after
BB were compared by Independent Sample T-test. Table 4 displays the comparison
results of theory proxies on the 3 groups of full sample, SHSE and SZSE sub-sample.
The result of the comparison is represented by p-value. Low level of p-value indicates a
significant change in the effect of coefficient after BB was introduced.
a) Information asymmetry related to firm characteristics
The first 7 variables of GOVOWN, CNTOWN, ONEYRPRF, EPS, ROE,
NICAGR and INDUSTRY revealing characteristics of firms in Table 4 indicated a
limited support for Hypothesis 2. On the full sample, although the proxies of
ONEYRPRF and INDUSTRY provided a significant fall in the significance of
coefficients, others showed opposite results. For example, CNTOWN, EPS and
NICAGR indicated that Hypothesis 2 cannot be accepted due to unexpected increases in
their effect on underpricing level instead of an assumed downward tendency. Excluding
NICAGR, such change was significant with p-values of 0.023 and 0 for CNTOWN and
EPS respectively.
Table 4. Comparison of the Significance of Explanatory Variables before and after Book-
Building, 2001-2009
Model 2 (Full Sample) Model 2 (Sub-SHSE) Model 2 (Sub-SZSE)
Pre-BB Post-BB
Pre-BB Post-BB
Pre-BB Post-BB
β0 11.939*** 8.426*** 13.015*** 7.553*** 20.972** 11.481***
β1(GOVOWNi) .181 -.119 .422 .393* -.394 .000 -1.545** .157 .411
β2(CNTOWNi) -.211 .349 .023 -.488 .414 .000 1.610 .504* .112
β3(ONEYRPRFi) -.320** .012 .000 -.247 -.679*** .000 -1.974 -.792*** .000
β4(EPSi) .047 -.057 .001 .046 .044 .010 1.256 -.022 .023
β5(ROEi) -1.358*** .155 .061 -1.213*** -.939 .000 .924 .246 .093
β6(NICAGRi) .011 .059 .975 .014* -.071 .114 .797 .069 .015
β7(INDUSTRYi) .075 -.040 .071 .098 -.573 .673 .171 -.035 .000
β8(LGIPOPRCi) -1.276*** -.764*** .000 -1.332*** -.621** .000 -2.598** -1.179*** .018
β9(DEi) -.265 .078 .000 -.352 -.402 .000 -2.219* .449 .762
β10(PRIEPSi) .000 .008 .013 -.001 -.004 .000 .031 -.021** .046
β11(AGEi) -.056*** -.012 .000 -.050*** .005 .000 -.053 -.006 .000
β12(TIMELAGi) .015*** -.040*** .853 .014*** -.002 .008 -.003 -.010 .002
128 Efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms: comparison of book-building and
β13(PRMKTRETi) 1.836*** 1.784*** .000 2.297*** .859 .202
2.261*** .000
β14(LOTTODDi) .182* -.206 .000 .174 .046 .000 4.683** .169 .001
β15(UNDRWRTRi) -.096*** .036 .085 -.101** -.054 .253 -.137 .080* .751
β16(EXCHi) .486*** .434 .000 - - - - - -
No. of IPOs 300 409 709 260 109 369 40 300 340
Adjusted R2 .357 .178 .374 .469 .074 .409
(Note: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01).
On SHSE, the firm quality effect was stronger post-BB, which was confirmed by
increases in the significance of GOVOWN, ONEYRPRF, NICAGR and INDUSTRY.
Obviously, GOVOWN did not satisfy Hypothesis 2 because its significance for two
groups of full sample and SZSE has insignificantly decreased after BB with high level
of p-Value. Besides, the SHSE group experienced a significant rise with a zero p-value
of the effect of GOVOWN post-BB. For the SZSE, the effect of the 7 firm quality
proxies on underpricing fallen post-BB but only ONEYRPRF and INDUSTRY really
marked significant changes.
b) Information asymmetry related to firm uncertainty
Hypothesis 3 received a mixed approval by 4 variables of LGIPOPRC, DE,
PRIEPS and AGE in Table 4. LGIPOPRC and AGE provided strong supports for
Hypothesis 3 that the ex-ante uncertainty effect on underpricing significantly decreased
post-BB on both SHSE and SZSE. DE and PRIEPS ratio gave limited supports due to
the drop of significance was not obvious for DE and the increase in significance was
clear for PRIEPS. Again, except for an insignificant fall of DE’s effect, the effect of
firms’ ex-ante uncertainty on SZSE was significantly weaker, whereas only 2 of 4
variables described the similar situation on SHSE.
4.2.2. Investors’ optimistic toward market conditions
The regression result of Model 3 was based on the post-BB subsample (Table 5).
In order to examine Hypothesis 4, we take a look at Table 4 first, then Table 5.
Table 5. Regression Result on Information Variables in Book-building Process
Model 3 (Full
Model 3 (Sub-
Model 3 (Sub-
β0 6.882*** 8.067*** 9.550***
β1(GOVOWNi) -.175 -.419 -.009
β2(CNTOWNi) .317 .471 .354
β3(ONEYRPRFi) -.028 -.639*** -.712***
β4(EPSi) -.121 .015 -.049
β5(ROEi) .803 -.956 .605
β6(NICAGRi) .061 -.082 .082
β7(INDUSTRYi) -.028 -.601* -.045
β8(LGIPOPRCi) -.620*** -.670*** -.916***
β9(DEi) .071 -.316 .472
β10(PRIEPSi) .013** -.004 -.004
β11(AGEi) -.001 .008 -.002
β12(TIMELAGi) -.034*** -.003 -.020
β13(PRMKTRETi) .979** .838 1.746***
β14(LOTTODDi) -.201 .021 .221
β15(UNDRWRTRi) .088 -.090 .126**
β16(EXCHi) .401 - -
β17(PRIRANGE i) -.483* .060 -.968***
β18(PRIADJUST i) -4.270*** -1.370 -3.676***
No. of IPOs 409 109 300
Adjusted R2 .304 .480 .436
(Note: * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01).
From Table 4, it is clear that EXCH decreased from more to less positive
coefficience with MAR. Although the change was significantly marked with p-Value of
0, the coefficient between EXCH and MAR was only significant pre-BB. This meant
that after BB, the underpricing level of SHSE was still higher than that of SZSE but
with an insignificant relationship, which did not support Hypothesis 4. Besides, for the
full sample and SHSE, coefficient of CNTOWN with MAR changed from negative to
positive post-BB, whereas it decreased from high to low positive coefficient on SZSE,
which meant that IPOs had higher percentage of controlling stockholder ownership post
offering associated with higher underpricing level. However it only marked a significant
rise in its affect on underpricing for full sample while one significant decrease was
revealed on SHSE. On SZSE, there was also a fall though insignificant. Hence, after BB
was introduced, higher CNTOWN caused higher underpricing level on the full sample
130 Efficiency of IPO pricing mechanisms: comparison of book-building and
and SHSE. To sum up, EXCH and CNTOWN obviously offered a limited support to
Hypothesis 4.
Similarly, Table 5 supplied more evidence to deny Hypothesis 4. First, the
positive relationship between CNTROWN and MAR of SZSE sub-sample, which was
0.354, was stronger than that of full sample but weaker than the SHSE sub-sample with
0.317 and 0.471 respectively. Second, a coefficient index of EXCH and MAR was also
positive, which meant the underpricing level of SZSE was lower than that of SHSE
Overall, Hypothesis 4 received a weak support. Private companies did not tend
to affect the underpricing level in China. Although SZSE has known as the exchange
which listed more private companies than SHSE did, the underpricing level of SZSE
was nearly as high as that of SHSE, especially after applying the BB.
Hypothesis 5 was not supported by UNDRWRTR. Table 5 showed that for the
full sample and the SZSE sub-sample UNDRWRTR sign was positive with MAR but
with insignificant coefficiency while their relationship was significant negative in the
SHSE. Because UNDRWRTR was marked between 0 and 4 from the first cla