Currently, Vietnamese government attaches great importance to public administrative
services quality improvement. The main question for public services organization are: to
what extent public administration services meet the needs of citizens and what it takes to
improve the quality of public administrative services? Employing the marketing mix model,
this study was conducted in Ninh Binh province to assess the quality of public
administration services and explore the factors that affect the level of satisfaction for
different marketing mix components in public service sector. Through the data collected in
2013 and 2018, the study provides an overview of public administrative service quality in
Ninh Binh Province and identifies its improvement over the period of 5 years. The results
of the linear regression analysis (based on data collected in 2018) show the effect of items
on the satisfaction of citizens for each marketing-mix factor. Based on the results of the
study, the authors suggest several solutions to improve the quality of public administrative
services of Ninh Binh province.
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PhD. Nguyen Hoai Long*
PhD. Pham Hong Hoa*
Pro.PhD. Tran Minh Dao*
MBA. Tran Quang Thanh**
* Faculty of Marketing, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
** Ninh Binh Health and Medical College, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
Currently, Vietnamese government attaches great importance to public administrative
services quality improvement. The main question for public services organization are: to
what extent public administration services meet the needs of citizens and what it takes to
improve the quality of public administrative services? Employing the marketing mix model,
this study was conducted in Ninh Binh province to assess the quality of public
administration services and explore the factors that affect the level of satisfaction for
different marketing mix components in public service sector. Through the data collected in
2013 and 2018, the study provides an overview of public administrative service quality in
Ninh Binh Province and identifies its improvement over the period of 5 years. The results
of the linear regression analysis (based on data collected in 2018) show the effect of items
on the satisfaction of citizens for each marketing-mix factor. Based on the results of the
study, the authors suggest several solutions to improve the quality of public administrative
services of Ninh Binh province.
Keywords: public administration service, quality of public administration service,
public service marketing, one-stop-shop (OSS), Ninh Binh, Vietnam
1. Introduction
Within the framework of the research project "Marketing solutions to improve
public administrative services quality in Ninh Binh Province" funded by Ninh Binh
Province People's Committee, public administration services quality evaluation was carried
out in 2013-2014 period. This research result had been published on Journal of Mekong
Societies in 2016. In 5 recent years, Ninh Binh has always been promoting and applying
various measures to improve the quality of public administration services such as
improving and simplifying administrative procedures; improving the operation of one-stop
services (OSS); intensifying training, inspection, supervision and support the contingent of
public servants; strengthening the coordination between administrative agencies in order to
reduce wasted time; strictly control and abandon the unofficial costs; enhancing waiting
room and lounge at service agencies; strengthening the consult and support quality for
citizens as well as promoting the technology application in public service agencies... The
question is whether these efforts could improve citizens' satisfaction on public
administrative services and to further improve the quality of public administrative services,
which factors should the marketing activities focus on? To answer these questions, this
study was conducted to: (1) Assess the improvement of public administrative service
quality in Ninh Binh; (2) Indicate the factors affecting public administrative services
quality in order to appropriately design the marketing activities orientation.
Based on the marketing mix model (Kotler & Keller, 2014) and public service
marketing theories (Lee and Phillip, 2007, Proter, 2007, Vu Tri Dung, 2014), the authors
had developed and atapted the model of public service quality assessment as follows:
Source: Nguyen Hoai Long & Pham Hong Hoa, 2016
The factor "Product - The satifaction level of the product of public administration
service" contains 8 items, namely Trust; Trust and accuracy; Complying with regulations
and commitments; Assuring of service; The operational of OSS; Transaction time;
Accepting the recommendations and suggestions from customer; Receiving and processing
of citizens‘ comments.
The factor "Price - The satifaction level of price of public administration service"
includes 6 items, namely Publicity and transparency concerning costs; Reasonable
transaction fees; Convenience of payment; No incurred costs; Time to get results.
The factor "Place - The satifaction level of accessing public administration
service" includes 8 items, namely Convenient and accessible location of the agency
providing administration services; Regular working time; Ability to access and exchange
information through the hotline; Ability to exchange information via email, internet;
Ability to access information of procedure via internet; Ability to access form and
document on the internet; Possibility to apply online and get the result; Ability to apply
record and receive the result via post.
The factor "Promotion/communication - The satifaction level of communication
activity" includes 4 items, namely Diverse and convenient communication methods; Well
– informed Citizens with process, procedure and record; Properly and warmly received
comments; Well – processed and responded complaints.
The factor "People - The satifaction level of public servants" includes 7 items,
namely Public servants with clear badges and name plates; Public servants have good
professional qualifications; Public servants are friendly helpful; Public servants comply
with work schedule; Public servants implement the procedures flexibly; Public servants
enthusiastically guide and advise citizens; Public servants create the trust.
The factor "Process - The satifaction level of procedure process" includes 7 items,
namely Record and procedures requested are reasonable; Form are designed scientifically;
Transaction procedures are simple; Transaction sequence is conducted reasonably;
Guidance for unsatisfactory record is well stated; Clear appointment for results; Simple
The factor "Physical evidence - The satifaction level of Physical evidence" includes
6 items, namely Convenient parking; Proper waiting lounge; Clear guidance diagram;
Good support equipment (sanitary facilities, water, fan...); Clear information desk;
Qualified computer system and other supporting devices.
This research model has been employed in both the studies in 2013 and 2018.
2. Research methodology
In 2013, we had conducted a qualitative study in order to develop elements and
design the questionnaire. Details about this study has been presented in the Journal of
Mekong societies, Vol 12, No1.
This quantitative studies has been caried out in 2013 and 2018. The research sample
includes 700 citizens awaiting transactions in the agencies providing public administration
services. In both research, data was collected from 700 respondents. The valid response of
the study 2013 was 631 after the removal of nonresponse rate while it was 656 responses
for the study 2018.
The collected data is entered and processed by SPSS version 22. The mean of each
items is calculated to analysis the current situation of public administration services.
Bootstrap with 95% reliability is run to check whether the results of the sample to infer the
overall or not. The analysis of Covariance matrix and Correlation coefficient between items
belonging to each factor of public administration services, with calculation of Cronbach
alpha coefficient is used to evaluate the correlation among items and eliminate the non
correlated items. After eliminating the non - correlated items, the regression analysis is used
to investigate the impact level of items to the factor that it belongs to (7Ps).
3. Major findings
3.1 Product factor
Level of satisfaction with the product of public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
In 2018, citizen‘s satisfaction of 6 over 8 factors of the public services was lower
than that of 2013. Despite a marginal decline, it still indicates that the authorities‘ efforts
have not met with people's desire for service quality. Two factors are considered as
improvement including "Transaction time" and " Scheme for recommendations and
suggestions from the citizens". They, however, are not significant change.
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with the product of
public administration services
All the items have correlation with the product of public administration services.
The items not consistent with the overall regression model: (1) C2.1 - Trust; (2)
C2.2 - Trust and accuracy; (3) C2.7 – Scheme of recommendations and suggestions.
Regression models:
The satisfaction level of product factor of public administration services = -
0.132 + 0.206*C2.3 + 0.323*C2.4 + 0.133*C2.5 + 0.116*C2.6 + 0.271*C2.8
(C2.3 - Complying with regulations and commitments; C2.4 - Assuring of service;
C2.5 - The operation of OSS; C2.6 - Transaction time; C2.8 – Scheme for
recommendations and suggestions)
Conclusion and recommendation
The level of satisfaction of citizens with the public service delivery has not been
improved, and many factors have been assessed to be in a downward trend compared to
2013. This requires authorities to make effort in meeting the needs of citizens on public
service products and focusing on service efficiency improvement.
In order to improve the satisfaction of citizens on the element of public services,
attention should be paid to the following factors: Assuring of service; Receiving and
processing of citizens‘ comments; Compiling with regulations and commitments
2013 2018 % change
1 Trust 3.78 3.65 -3.55%
2 Trust and accuracy 3.8 3.68 -3.18%
3 Complying with regulations and commitments 3.84 3.71 -3.32%
4 Assuring of service 3.84 3.66 -4.57%
5 The operational of OSS 4.16 3.90 -6.22%
6 Transaction times 3.45 3.48 0.91%
Accepting the recommendations and suggestions from
3.75 3.89 3.83%
8 Receipt ans processing of proposals and reflection 3.78 3.51 -7.24%
3.2 Price factor
Level of satisfaction with the price of public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
The results of the study in 2018 show that citizens' satisfaction with items
belonging to the public element of public service has not improved compared to 2013.
Only 2/8 items are considered to be improved but the level of change is not significant.
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with the price of
public administration services
All the items have correlation with the product of public administration services.
All the items consistent with the overall regression model.
Regression models:
The satisfaction level of price factor of public administration services = -0.169
+ 0.079*C5.1 + 0.309*C5.2 + 0.103*C5.3 + 0.43*C5.4 + 0.056*C5.5 + 0,073*C5.6
( C5.1- Publicity and transparency concerning costs; C5.2 - Reasonable transaction
fees; C5.3 - Full charge receipts; C5.4 - Convenience payment; C5.5 - No cost incurred;
C5.6 - Time spent to get result)
Conclusion and recommendation
The level of satisfaction of citizens on the price of public administrative services
has not improved compared to that of 2013. This requires the authorities to pay special
attention to solutions for the individual cost including both finance (official and unofficial),
time and energy.
To enhance citizen satisfaction on the price of public services, special attention
should be paid to both convenience of payment and the reasonable transaction fees;
3.3 Place factor
Level of satisfaction with accessing public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
2013 2018 % change
1 Publicity and transparency concerning costs 3.94 4.00 1.52%
2 Reasonable transaction fees 3.97 3.92 -1.15%
3 Full charge receipts 4.07 4.07 -0.05%
4 Convenience payment 4.04 3.97 -1.75%
5 No cost incurred 3.84 3.89 1.42%
6 Time spent to get result 3.86 3.69 -4.37%
No Items
2013 2018 % change
The location of agency of providing administration
services is convenient and easy to find
4.14 4.04 -2.48%
2 Working time by regulation 3.87 4.01 3.68%
Ability to access and exchange information through the
3.42 3.75 9.74%
4 Ability to exchange information via email, internet 3.12 3.48 11.65%
5 Ability to access information of procedure via internet 3.24 4.02 24.08%
6 Ability to access form and document on the internet 3.29 4.03 22.38%
7 Possibility to apply online and get the result 2.91 3.58 22.95%
8 Ability to apply record and receive the result via post 2.47 3.66 48.34%
No Items
By 2018, the level of satisfaction on the accessibility of the administration service
has significantly improved compared to 2013. Except for the minor change in two items:
―convenient and accessible location of agency providing administration services" and
"regular working time", all of the remaining items have significantly improved compared
to 2013. Administrative efforts in facilitating citizens' access to public administrative
services are very effective.
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with accessing the
public administration services
The item "Ability to access information of procedure via internet" have no
correlation with the accessing the public administration services.
Items "Convenient and accessible location of agency providing public services",
"Ability to exchange information via email, internet", "Ability to access form and
document on the internet" not consistent with the overall regression model.
Regression models:
The satisfaction level of place factor of public administration services = -0.63
+0.3*C4.2 + 0.308*C4.3 + 0.205*C4.7 + 0.214*C4.8
(C4.2 - Regular working time; C4.3 - Ability to access and exchange information
through the hotline; C4.7 - Possibility to apply online and get the result; C4.8 - Ability to
apply record and receive the result via post)
Conclusion and recommendation
Overall, the level of satisfaction on accessing public administration service has been
greatly improved. The two items "Convenient and accessible location of agency providing
administration services" và "regular working time" need more improvement in the future.
To enhance to satisfaction on accessing administration service, more attention
should be paid to Regular working time; Ability to access and exchange information
through the hotline; Possibility to apply online and get the result; Ability to apply record
and receive the result via post.
3.4 Promotion factor
Level of satisfaction with Communication of public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
In 2018, only item "Diverse and convenient communication methods" shows a
slight improvement while the other three remain stable. It reflects the weak and ineffective
efforts in improving the communication activities in providing public services.
2013 2018 % change
1 Communication methods are Diverse and convenient 3.29 3.54 7.71%
Citizens are provided information about process,
procedure and record
3.73 3.67 -1.53%
3 Comments are accepted respectfully 3.44 3.50 1.74%
4 Complaints are settled simply and reasonably 3.45 3.52 2.07%
No Items
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with promotion of
public administration services
All the items have correlation with the promotion of public administration services.
All the items consistent with the overall regression model.
Regression models:
The satisfaction level with promotion of public administration services = 0.137
+ 0.1*C8.1 + 0.414*C8.2 + 0.27*C8.3 + 0.191*C8.4
(C8.1 - Communication methods are Diverse and convenient; C8.2 - Citizens are
provided information about process, procedure and record; C8.3 - Comments are accepted
respectfully; C8.4 - Complaints are settled simply and reasonably)
Conclusion and recommendation
Overall, the level of satisfaction on the communication of public administration
service has not improved. It, therefore, requires a greater investment in communication
activities for the public services.
To improve the satisfaction on public administration service, some factors
should be taken into account, including Well - informed citizens và Proper scheme for
suggestion and recommendation.
3.5 Public servant factor
Level of satisfaction with public servant of public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
All items of Public servant show a significant changes compared to 2013. It implies
the efforts in improving the public servants in Ninh Binh province have made great
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with public servant
of public administration services
All the items have correlation with public servant of public administration services.
Items "Public servants with clear badges and name plates", "Public servants are
friendly helpful", "Public servants comply with work schedule", "Public servants
implement the procedures flexibly" not consistent with the overall regression model.
2013 2018 % change
1 Public servants with clear badges and name plates 3.23 4.06 25.76%
2 Public servants have good professional qualifications 3.24 3.72 14.69%
3 Public servants are friendly helpful 3.13 3.70 18.33%
4 Public servants comply with work schedule 3.14 3.86 22.84%
5 Public servants implement the procedures flexibly 2.97 3.65 23.04%
Public servants enthusiastically guide and advise
3.08 3.66 18.72%
7 Public servants create the trust 3.15 3.67 16.60%
No Items
Regression models:
The satisfaction level with public servant of public administration services =
0.409 + 0.203*C6.2 + 0.356*C6.6 + 0.336*C6.7
(C6.2 - Public servants have good professional qualifications; C6.6 - Public servants
enthusiastically guide and advise citizens; C6.7 - Public servants create the trust)
Conclusion and recommendation
Overall, the level of satisfaction on public servant of public administration
service has been significantly improved. The implication is to maintain the policies and
pratices to encourage the public servants, especially the group at the grass - root level.
To improve the satisfaction on public servant of public administration service,
three items should be considered Public servants have good professional qualifications;
Public servants enthusiastically guide and advise citizens; Public servants create the trust
3.6 Process factor
Level of satisfaction with process and procedures of public administration service
Source: Data processing result of authors, 2018
The results on process accessment of 2018 are lower than that of 2013. Despite a
small discrepancy, it relfects that the process improvement has made no progress and
requires more efforts from the authorities in improving the administration procedures.
Regression analysis of the factors affecting to the satisfaction with process and
procedures of public administration services
All the items have correlation with the process and procedures of public
administration services.
Items "Record and procedures requested are reasonable" and " Transaction
procedures are simple", not consistent with the overall regression model.
Regression models:
The satisfaction level with process and procedures of public administration
services = 0.021 + 0.215*C3.2 + 0.333*C3.4 + 0.105*C3.5 + 0.067*C3.6 + 0.256*C3.7
(C3.2 - Form are designed scientifically; C3.4 - Transaction sequence is conducted
reasonably; C3.5 - Guidance activities of completing the unsatisfactory record; C3.6 -
Clear app