Party leadership for environmental protection in sustainable development in vietnam

The development of the economy is increasingly strong, people use natural resources indiscriminately not only make these resources become exhausted quickly but also make the environment polluted, serious crisis. Recognizing the impact of the environment on sustainable development, the Communist Party of Vietnam has many points of view to direct environmental protection. "Economic development associated with environmental protection". is the correct revolutionary perspective that the Party has persevered in pursuing and implementing throughout the process of Vietnam's revolutionary leadership. Consistent views throughout the leadership documents and the Party's direction on environmental protection are: "environmental protection is one of the vital problems of mankind; is a factor to ensure people's health and quality of life; make an important contribution to socioeconomic development, political stability, national security and to promote our country's international economic integration”. Our Party affirms, harmoniously combining socio-economic development with environmental protection and improvement towards sustainable development.

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1039 PARTY LEADERSHIP FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAM M.S Phi Thi Lan Phuong, Ph.D Nguyen Hong Son Faculty of Political theories National Economics University, Viet Nam Email:, Abstract The development of the economy is increasingly strong, people use natural resources indiscriminately not only make these resources become exhausted quickly but also make the environment polluted, serious crisis. Recognizing the impact of the environment on sustainable development, the Communist Party of Vietnam has many points of view to direct environmental protection. "Economic development associated with environmental protection"... is the correct revolutionary perspective that the Party has persevered in pursuing and implementing throughout the process of Vietnam's revolutionary leadership. Consistent views throughout the leadership documents and the Party's direction on environmental protection are: "environmental protection is one of the vital problems of mankind; is a factor to ensure people's health and quality of life; make an important contribution to socio- economic development, political stability, national security and to promote our country's international economic integration”. Our Party affirms, harmoniously combining socio-economic development with environmental protection and improvement towards sustainable development. Keywords: Environmental protection, Communist Party, environment, Sustainable development 1. Introduction Pollution and environmental degradation is one of the problems that human beings are facing in parallel with poverty and AIDS epidemics ... These problems are threatening the existence and development of the fruit. Therefore, the environment is also synonymous with protecting the living environment, ensuring that all people can live in a clean and clean environment, contributing to improving the health and quality of life of the people, At the same time, it is an important content of sustainable development. 1040 Modern scientific and technological revolution of the developing world with a fast pace, creating breakthrough achievements, rapidly changing the socio- economic and human development. Besides the brilliant achievements in science and technology, people are also facing political, cultural, social and especially environmental challenges. The development of the economy is increasingly strong, people pay more attention to the issue of profits and revenues to ensure the living life that accidentally or intentionally harms the environment. People use natural resources indiscriminately, improperly, not only to make these resources become exhausted quickly but also make the environment polluted and serious crisis. Recognizing the impact of the environment on sustainable development, the 11th Party Congress stated that “Environmental protection is the responsibility of both the political system, the whole society and all citizens. To closely combine control, prevention and overcoming of pollution with the restoration and protection of ecological environment. Develop clean energy, clean production, clean consumption. Promote research, forecast and response to climate change, natural disasters. Strengthening effective management, protection and use of national resources ”(Vietnam Communist Party (2011), page 42.43). This article analyzes the Party's view on environmental protection in sustainable development in Vietnam. 2. Method The article combines the use of analytical methods - synthesis; logic - history; system - structure, study text, interdisciplinary social sciences. 3. Results The paper focuses on studying the Party's guidelines and policies on environmental protection in sustainable development in Vietnam over time, clearly showing the importance of environmental issues in Current Vietnam and proposals for environmental protection of the Party aiming to orient socio-economic development activities towards sustainable development. 4. Discussion and Conclusion 4.1. Perspective on sustainable development. In the world or in each region and in every country there are many pressing issues that are common. The more economic growth, the scarcity of materials and energy due to the exhaustion of non-renewable resources is increasing, the more natural environment is destroyed, ecological balance is broken. , leading to the revenge of nature causing extremely catastrophic disasters. It is the economic growth that is not in pace with progress and social development, sometimes contrary to social development. Specifically, there is 1041 economic growth but no social progress and justice; economic growth towards industrialization, urbanization, leading to rural distortion; economic growth but the income of workers does not increase; economic but cultural and moral growth is depressed; Economic growth has further elucidated the differentiation between the rich and poor in society, leading to social instability and this has become one of the hottest issues in many countries. Therefore, the development process has a harmonious regulation between economic growth and ensuring social stability and environmental protection become an urgent requirement for the world. The concept of sustainable development is formed from the reality of social life and has necessity. Thinking about sustainable development throughout the social production process, starting with recognizing the importance of environmental protection and recognizing the need to address instabilities in society. Therefore, in 1992, the United Nations Environment and Development Summit held in Rio de Janeiro set out the Global Agenda for the 21st century, in which sustainable development is confirmed: A development that satisfies the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations. Accordingly, the three pillars of sustainable development are defined as: Firstly, economically sustainable, or sustainable economic development is fast and safe and quality development; Secondly, social sustainability is social justice and human development, human development index (HDI) is the highest criterion of social development, including: per capita income; educational level, education, health, longevity, cultural and civilized enjoyment levels; Third, ecological and environmental sustainability is to rationally exploit and use natural resources, protect the environment and improve the quality of the living environment. So far, the concept of sustainable development has gained a common unity and a goal to make sustainable development a millennium target. In Vietnam, the topic of sustainable development has also received much attention in research circles as well as policy makers and policy makers. The concept of sustainable development is often approached in two aspects: Firstly, sustainable development is developed in the relationship of maintaining the environmental values, considering the ecological environment value as one of the The element that constitutes the highest values needs to be achieved by development. Secondly, sustainable development is a long-term development, for today and tomorrow; Today's development does not affect the future. 4.2. The Party's viewpoint and policy on environmental protection "Economic development associated with environmental protection" ... is the right revolutionary viewpoint that the Party has persevered in pursuing and implementing throughout the process of Vietnam revolutionary leadership, especially 1042 in the medium-time renovation by. Consistent views throughout the leadership documents and the Party's direction on environmental protection are: "environmental protection is one of the vital problems of mankind; is a factor to ensure people's health and quality of life; an important contribution to socio-economic development, political stability, national security and promoting international economic integration of our country ”and“ Investment in environmental protection is investment for distribution. sustainable development ”. Fully aware of the role of the environment and environmental protection, our country has actively participated in international conventions and agreements on the environment. It can be mentioned as: Biodiversity Convention (May 1993) whose main goal is to conserve biodiversity, sustainable use of components of biodiversity and fair and reasonable sharing the benefits derived from the use of biological resources; The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (November 1994) aims to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous human interference with the system. climate; The Kyoto Protocol (September 2002) forces participating countries to commit to achieving specific greenhouse gas emission targets for each country; or Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer (1994); Paris Agreement on combating climate change ... In general, these international documents affirm the importance of environmental protection and require participating countries to be more responsible for environmental protection activities. The 11th Party Congress, the Party has linked environmental protection policies to social policies, building a scientific basis for the exploitation of natural resources. The 10th Party Congress, for the first time in the report on the orientation and tasks of socio-economic development in the 2006 - 2010 period, has set the environmental norm (forest coverage; use clean water, waste treatment targets) and "strengthen protection, improve the environment, protect natural resources" The document of the 11th Party Congress once again demonstrates the Party's consistent view on environmental protection: environmental protection is both a goal and one of the basic contents of the Party. sustainable development, must be reflected in strategies, plannings, plans and projects on socio-economic development of each branch and each locality. Overcoming the ideology to focus on socio-economic development only and to take lightly environmental protection. In order to concretize the viewpoints and guidelines on environmental protection, the Party has also issued a system of directive, uniform instructions and resolutions to create a strong change in awareness and action and innovation in leading, directing and organizing the implementation of environmental protection in the whole party and the whole society such as: Resolution No.41 of November 15, 2004 of the Politburo "Regarding environmental protection in the period promoting 1043 industrialization and modernization of the country ”. This is an important step in demonstrating the Party's views on environmental protection in our country during the period of industrialization and modernization of the country. Facing the risk of exhaustion of resources, environmental pollution and complicated developments of climate change, the 7th Plenum of the 11th Central Committee issued Resolution No.24 on "Actively responding to variables climate change, strengthening resource management and environmental protection ”. The concept of environmental protection is once again confirmed: The environment is a global issue. Environmental protection is both a goal and a basic content of sustainable development. Strengthening environmental protection must follow the motto of conducting harmony with nature, according to natural law, prevention is the main; combine to control, overcome pollution, improve the environment, preserve nature and biodiversity; taking protection of people's health as a top target; resolutely eliminate projects that cause environmental pollution and affect public health. At the same time, giving very specific objectives on environmental protection: Not to generate and thoroughly handle establishments causing serious environmental pollution; 70% of wastewater discharged into the river basin environment is treated; destroying and treating over 85% of hazardous wastes and 100% of medical wastes; reuse or recycle over 65% of domestic waste. Strive for 95% of urban residents and 90% of rural people to use clean and hygienic water. Safety control and treatment of environmental pollution due to war consequences. Improving air quality in urban areas, populated areas. Significantly improve the environment of craft villages and rural areas. Reasonable exploitation management, early termination of natural forest exploitation, increasing the area of nature conservation areas to over 3 million hectares; increasing forest coverage to over 45% . 4.3. Evaluation of the Party on the status of environmental protection and its causes During the renovation period, environmental protection has achieved important results, such as the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress (2016) evaluated: The system of laws, mechanisms and policies on natural resource management and protection The environment and climate change response continue to be improved. Inspection and inspection of enforcement and handling of violations are focused. The management and use of land, water and minerals are more strict and effective. Basic investigation, potential assessment, reserves and resource valuation have progressed; more suitable exploitation and use according to market mechanism and more closely monitored. Pay attention to exploiting and effectively using renewable energy sources and alternative materials, which are environmentally friendly. Measures to protect the environment, prevent and treat seriously polluting facilities are actively implemented. 1044 The rate of hazardous waste collection and treatment reaches about 75%; medical solid waste reaches 80%; the rate of establishments causing serious environmental pollution will be 90% by 2015. To pay attention to nature conservation, biodiversity, forest protection and development; Forest coverage increased, reaching about 40.7% in 2015. The proportion of urban population using clean water reached 82%, the proportion of rural population using clean water reached 86% in 2015. Natural disaster prevention, fighting and reduction are focused and achieved many results. The capacity of warning and forecasting of natural disasters is enhanced, the quality has been improved. Many projects to respond to climate change in combination with natural disaster prevention and combat have been implemented and enlisted the cooperation and support of many partners. These are practical and encouraging results in environmental protection, especially in the context of environmental pollution is particularly serious today. It can be said that the Party affirms, harmoniously combining socio-economic development with environmental protection and improvement towards sustainable development. However, environmental protection in our country still has many limitations and weaknesses. Environmental pollution continues to increase, there are serious places, direct threats to people's health. Violations of the law on environmental protection are still happening complicatedly with increasingly sophisticated forms, causing social frustration; overcoming the consequences of environmental pollution caused by war is still difficult; biodiversity decline, the risk of ecological imbalance is happening on a large scale; The environmental protection of the industrial park has not yet met the requirements of environmental protection; Many serious environmental, natural and socio-economic consequences have occurred because the requirements of environmental impact assessment are ignored or not strictly implemented; The system of legal documents on environment is not synchronized; the promulgation of documents on environmental protection, documents guiding under the Law are sometimes slow, some contents are still inadequate, difficult to implement or not effective; Organize the state management apparatus on environmental protection at all levels to consolidate but the quality of activities is still limited; The source of environmental funding (1%) is still low; Besides, it has not been arranged for the right purpose and used ineffectively, failing to meet the requirements of environmental protection in the current period. Looking at the reality of our country today, the Resolution of the 12th Congress frankly acknowledges: State management on natural resources, environmental protection, response to climate change in many aspects is still limited; laws and policies are incomplete; inspection, inspection, supervision and handling of 1045 violations not strictly. The environmental pollution is slowly improved; environmental pollution in many places is still serious, especially in some craft villages and river basins; handling of environmental violations is not serious. The sense of environmental protection of a part of people and businesses is not high. Many natural ecosystems, especially forest ecosystems, wetlands and marine vegetation have reduced in both area and quality. Forest protection is still inadequate, forest fires and forest fires still occur. Many species and precious genetic resources are at high risk of extinction. The remedy of the consequences of environmental pollution caused by the war is still difficult ... Use of renewable energy (biomass electricity, wind power, solar power, ..) is still low. This is a limitation, weaknesses need to be overcome quickly. The shortcomings and limitations in environmental protection in the past time due to many subjective and objective causes. The sense of environmental protection of the people has not really become a habit, there are still acts of discharging and polluting the environment in public places. Some committees and authorities are not fully aware of the significance and importance of environmental protection and sustainable development tasks, and have not seen all the roles and responsibilities in environmental protection. The participation of the whole political system in the inspection and supervision of law enforcement and environmental policies has not been positive and effective; also thought to overlook the issue of environmental protection while issuing policies on socio-economic development; the review and integration of environmental issues in socio-economic development plannings and plans, branches, domains and territories are not well implemented; The application of economic measures in environmental protection has not been effectively implemented. Lack of mechanisms and policies to mobilize the participation and contribution of the community as well as the whole society in the work of environmental protection. 4.4. Party views on solutions to environmental protection Over 30 years of renovation, our country has a completely new look. From a country devastated by war and a chronic economic crisis, Vietnam has risen and become a country with an average economic growth rate of 6.5% per year and belongs to a group of fast-moving countries. the strongest development in the region. However, the rapid economic development is associated with the risk of environmental pollution, which is a threat to the sustainable development of the country. From the assessment of achievements and limitations in environmental protection, the Party proposed specific directions, tasks and solutions for socio- economic development. That is: First: to sustainably develop the country, it is nece
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