• The limited capacity of the first mobile radiotelephone services:
- The spectrum used…not much sharing
- A lot of bandwidth dedicated to a single call.
- Coverage not good.
The Cellular Concept
• The limited capacity of the first mobile radiotelephone services:
- interference: impossible to reuse the same
• Introduction:
- Developed by Bell Labs 1960’s-70’s
- The cellular concept was a major breakthrough in
solving the problem of spectral congestion and
user capacity.
- Offered very high capacity in a limited spectrum
allocation without any major technological
- Frequency Reuse: a fixed number of channels to
serve an arbitrarily large number of subscribers.
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Wireless Communications
Principles and Practice
Chapter 3: The Cellular Concept –
System Design Fundamentals
The Cellular Concept
• The limited capacity of the first mobile radio-
telephone services:
- The spectrum usednot much sharing
- A lot of bandwidth dedicated to a single call.
- Coverage not good
The Cellular Concept
• The limited capacity of the first mobile radio-
telephone services:
- interference: impossible to reuse the same
The Cellular Concept
• Introduction:
- Developed by Bell Labs 1960’s-70’s
- The cellular concept was a major breakthrough in
solving the problem of spectral congestion and
user capacity.
- Offered very high capacity in a limited spectrum
allocation without any major technological
- Frequency Reuse: a fixed number of channels to
serve an arbitrarily large number of subscribers.
The Cellular Concept
• Cellular Network Architecture
The Cellular Concept
• Cellular Network Architecture
− Areas divided into cells.
− A system approach, no major technological
− Each served by base station with lower power
− Each gets portion of total number of channels.
− Neighboring cells assigned different groups of
channels, Interference minimized.
− Hexagon geometry cell shape.
Frequency reuse
Frequency reuse
• Adjacent cells assigned different frequencies to
avoid interference or crosstalk
• Objective is to reuse frequency in nearby cells
– 10 to 50 frequencies assigned to each cell
– Transmission power controlled to limit power
at that frequency escaping to adjacent cells
– The issue is to determine how many cells
must intervene between two cells using the
same frequency
Frequency reuse
• Each cell allocated a group k channels
• A cluster has N cells with unique and disjoint
channel groups, N typically 4, 7, 12
• Total number of duplex channels S = kN
• Cluster repeated M times in a system, Total
number of channels that can be used (capacity)
• C = MkN = MS
Frequency reuse
• C = MkN = MS
• S is a total of duplex channels available for use.
• Smaller cells -> higher M -> higher C
+ Channel reuse higher capacity
+ Lower power requirements for mobiles
– Additional base stations required
– More frequent handoffs
Effect of cluster size N
Channels unique in same cluster, repeated over
Keep cell size same
– Large N : weaker interference, but lower
– Small N: higher capacity, more interference
need to maintain certain S/I level
frequency reuse factor: 1/N
– Each cell within a cluster assigned 1/N of the
total available channels
Frequency reuse
• In order to connect without gaps between adjacent cells
• N = i2 + ij + j2 where i and j
are non-negative integers
• Example N=7, i = 2, j = 1
– N = 22 + 2.1 + 12 = 4 + 2
+ 1 = 7
• i = 1, j = 2 (True)
– move i cells along any
chain or hexagon.
– then turn 60 degrees
counterclockwise and
move j cells.
19-cell reuse example (N=19)
Figure 3.2 Method of locating co-channel cells in a cellular system. In this example, N = 19 (i.e., I = 3,
j = 2). (Adapted from [Oet83] © IEEE.)
Frequency reuse
• Example
If a total of 33 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a
particular FDD cellular telephone system which uses two
25 kHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice
and control channels.
Compute the number of channels available per
cell if a system uses:
a. 4 – cell reuse
b. 7 - cell reuse
c. 12 - cell reuse
Frequency reuse
Frequency reuse
• Example
If 1 MHz of the allocated spectrum is
dedicated to control channels, determine
an equitable distribution of control
channels and voice channels in each cell
for each of three systems.
Frequency reuse
• Solution
Frequency reuse
• Solution
Channel Assignment Strategies
• Fixed Channel Assignments
– Each cell is allocated a predetermined set of voice
– If all the channels in that cell are occupied, the call is
blocked, and the subscriber does not receive service.
– Variation includes a borrowing strategy: a cell is
allowed to borrow channels from a neighboring cell if all
its own channels are occupied.
– This is supervised by the Mobile Switch Center:
Connects cells to wide area network; Manages call
setup; Handles mobility
Channel Assignment Strategies
• Dynamic Channel Assignments
– Voice channels are not allocated to different cells
– Each time a call request is made, the serving base
station requests a channel from the MSC.
– The switch then allocates a channel to the requested
call based on a decision algorithm taking into account
different factors: frequency re-use of candidate channel
and cost factors.
– Dynamic channel assignment is more complex (real
time), but reduces likelihood of blocking
Handoffs – the basics
• Reasons for handover
– Moving out of range: When a mobile moves
into a different cell while a comversation is in
progress, the MSC automatically transfers the
call to a new channel belonging to the new
base station.
– Load balancing
Handoffs – the basics
− Important task in any cellular
radio system
− Must be performed
successfully, infrequently, and
imperceptible to users.
− Identify a new base station
− Channel allocation in new
base station
− High priority than initiation
request (block new calls rather
than drop existing calls)
Handoffs – the basics
∆=handoff threshold -
Minimum acceptable
signal to maintain the
∆ too small:
– Insufficient time to
complete handoff before
call is lost.
– More call losses
∆ too large:
– Too many handoffs
– Burden for MSC
Styles of Handoff
Network Controlled Handoff (NCHO)
– In first generation cellular system, each base station
constantly monitors signal strength from mobiles in
its cell
– Based on the measures, MSC decides if handoff
– Mobile plays passive role in process
– Burden on MSC
Styles of Handoff
Mobile Assisted Handoff (MAHO)
– Present in second generation systems
– Mobile measures received power from surrounding
base stations and report to serving base station
– Handoff initiated when power received from a
neighboring cell exceeds current value by a certain
level or for a certain period of time
– Faster since measurements made by mobiles, MSC
don’t need monitor signal strength
Mobile Controlled Handoff
Styles of Handoff
Hard handoff - (break before make)
– Mobile has radio link with only one BS at anytime
– Old BS connection is terminated before new BS
connection is made.
Soft handoff (make before break)
– CDMA systems
– Mobile has simultaneous radio link with more than one BS at
– New BS connection is made before old BS connection is broken
– Mobile unit remains in this state until one base station clearly
Prioritizing Handoffs
Dropping a call is more annoying than line busy
Guard channel concept
– Reserve some channels for handoffs
– Waste of bandwidth
– But can be dynamically predicted
Queuing of handoff requests
– There is a gap between time for handoff and time to
– Better tradeoff between dropping call probability and
network traffic.
Umbrella Cells
Interference and System
Major limiting factor in performance of
cellular radio systems
Sources of interference:
– Other mobiles in same cell
– A call in progress in a neighboring cell
– Other base stations operating in the same
frequency band
– Non-cellular system leaking energy into the
cellular frequency band
Interference and System
Effect of interference:
– Voice channel: cross talk
– Control channel: missed or blocked calls
Two main types:
– co-channel interference
– adjacent channel interference
Co-Channel Interference
And System Capacity
• Frequency reuse implies that in a given
coverage area there are several cells that use
the same set of frequencies.
- Co – channel cells
- Co – channel interference
Co-Channel Interference
And System Capacity
Co-Channel Interference
And System Capacity
Cells that use the same set of frequencies are called co-
channel cells.
Interference between the cells is called co-channel
Co-channel reuse ratio:
– R: radius of cell
– D: distance between nearest co-channel cells
Small Q : small cluster size N -> large capacity
Large Q : good transmission quality tradeoff must be
made in actual cellular design
Smaller N is greater capacity
Some important formulas
• I0 is be the number of co – channel interfering cells.
• S/I (or SIR): The signal-to-interference
• P0 : The power received at a close – in reference point
• d0 : A small distance from the transmitting antenna.
• Pr : The power received at a distance d
Some important formulas
Co-channel cells for 7-cell reuse
Worst Case Interference
• With N=7, n = 4, S/I >= 18 dB (2.9)
• But: S/I : 17 dB (2.11)
Adjacent Channel Interference
• Interference resulting from signals where are
adjacent in frequency to the desired signal.
• Due to imperfect receiver filters that allow
nearby frequencies to leak into pass band.
• Can be minimized by careful filtering and
assignments, and by keeping frequency
separation between channel in a given cell as
large as possible, the adjacent channel
interference may be reduced considerably.
The United States AMPS
• Initially: 666 duplex channels
• Added: 166 , Now: 832 duplex channels
• The extended: 667 – 799 and 990-1023
• The channels to two competing operators.
• The 416 channels:
- 395 : voice channels.
- 21: control channels.
The United States AMPS
• Block A:
- Voice channels :
1 – 312
667-716 and 991 – 1023 (Extended)
- Control channels: 313- 333
Block B:
- Voice channels:
355 – 666
717 – 799 (Extended)
- Control channels: 334 - 354
Trunking and Grade of Service
• Trunking: the channel is allocated on demand and
recycle after usage, tradeoff between the number of
channels and blocking probability
• Grade of service:
– Likelihood of a call is blocked or the delay greater than
a threshold during the busiest time.
• Trunking theory
– Erlang, a Danish Mathematician studied how a large
population could be accommodated by a limited number
of servers.
– Erlang capacity: the percentage of line/channel
occupied over time
Key Definitions for Trunked
Trunking Theory
• Each user generates a traffic intensity of Au Erlangs.
λ : The average number of call
requests per unit time.
H: The average duration of a call.
The total offered traffic intensity A
U: Number user in System.
The trunked system: C channel
Ac= UAu/C
Erlang B Trunking GOS
– Blocked calls cleared: no queuing for
call requests, no setup time.
Erlang B Trunking GOS
Erlang B
Blocked Calls Delayed
• Blocking calls are delayed until channels are
available, queuing
• Erlang C
• Probability of delay lager than t
Exponential service distributions
Pr[delay>t] = Pr[delay>0]Pr[delay>t|delay>0]
= Pr[delay>0]exp(-(C-A)t/H)
• The average delay D
Erlang C
Example 1
• C=1, GOS = 0.005 -> A= 0.005
• C=5, GOS = 0.005 -> A= 1.13
• C=10, GOS = 0.005 -> A= 3.96
• C=20, GOS = 0.005 -> A= 11.1
• C=100, GOS = 0.005 -> A= 80.9
Example 2
• C= 19, GOS = 0.02 -> A=12
• C= 57, GOS=0.02 -> A= 45
• C= 100, GOS = 0.02 ->A=88
Improving Capacity in cellular
• The demand for wireless service increases
• The number of channels assigned to a cell becomes
insufficient to support the required number of users
Improving Capacity in cellular
• Frequency borrowing
– Frequencies are taken from adjacent cells by
congested cells
• Cell splitting
– Cells in areas of high usage can be split into smaller
• Cell sectoring
– Cells are divided into a number of wedge-shaped
sectors, each with their own set of channels
• Microcells
– Antennas move to buildings, hills, and lamp posts
Cell splitting
• Subdivide a congested cell into smaller
• Each with its own base station, reduction
in antenna and transmitter power
• More cells -> more clusters -> higher
• Achieves capacity improvement by
essentially rescaling the system.
Cells are split to add channels
with no new spectrum usage
Cell Splitting
radius R to R/2
Cell splitting
Cell splitting
Cell splitting
Cell splitting
Cell Splitting increases capacity
• In basic form, antennas are omnidirectional
• Replacing a single omni-directional antenna at base
station with several directional antennas, each
radiating within a specified sector.
• Achieves capacity improvement by essentially rescaling
the system.
• Less co-channel interference, number of cells in a
cluster can be reduced
• Larger frequency reuse factor, larger capacity
Sectoring improves S/I
Sectoring improves S/I
•Only two cochannel cell
The penalty of sectoring
• The number of handoffs increases.
(Fortunately, many modern base stations
support sectorization and allow mobiles to
be handed off from sector to sector within
the same cell without intervention from the
MSC, so the handoff problem is often not
a major concern.)
• Decrease in trunking efficiency,
The Zone Cell Concept
Superior to sectoring, any base station channel
may be assigned
to any zone by the base station
Same channel
No handoff
Only the active zone
Zone Cell Concept
Large control base station is replaced by several lower
powered transmitters on the edge of the cell.
The mobile retains the same channel and the base
station simply switches the channel to a different zone site
and the mobile moves from zone to zone.
Since a given channel is active only in a particular zone in
which mobile is traveling, base station radiation is
localized and interference is reduced.
Zone Cell Concept