The micro/nano surface structure of triboelectric layers possesses a critical impact on the performance of
triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG). Here, we present a solution for the enhancement of the triboelectric
performance by utilizing a Q-switched Pulsed Laser (QSL) that directly writes on an Aluminum surface in
the net configuration. The crinkled nanostructure of the surface of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is
fabricated by the Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (ICP-RIE) technology. By adjusting the
QSL source parameters, many kinds of Al/PTFE concepts of synthetic devices with built-in contact-separation could systematically be characterized. The optimal triboelectric performance was confirmed by
the increase of the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current from 75 V to 148 V and from 6.8 mA
to 9.6 mA, respectively, and by a nearly 2.5 times higher power than that of a pristine Al-based device. The
real-time practical applicability of the SA-TENG concept was confirmed by the lighting up of 92 LEDs
connected in series and by the charging up of a 10 mF capacitor to 1.68 V in 30 s. This work provides an
effective direct writing process with a Q-switched Pulsed Laser for the fabrication of micro/nanostructures on Aluminum and for the enhancement of the output performance of TENG, which would
greatly promote the TENG branding in mass manufacturing and micro-energy utilizations.
Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Q-switched pulsed laser direct writing of aluminum surface micro/nanostructure for triboelectric performance enhancement, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Received 8 August 2020
Available online 6 November 2020
Triboelectric nanogenerator
Micro/nano structure
Q-switched pulsed laser
the net configuration. The crinkled nanostructure of the surface of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is
freestanding (FS), and single-electrode (SE) [3]. As a micro/nano
act and separation
the surface tribo-
ltage, current and
sity is a prerequi-
he surface charge
ization of the sur-
area between two
ntioned idea, a lot
metal imprint processes [25]; femtosecond direct writing [26].
These technologies have the ability to fabricate the nanostructured
metal surfaces. And the Inductively Coupled Plasma - Reactive Ion
Etching (ICP-RIE) can successfully be applied to miniaturize the
polymer surfaces [27e29].
The Q-Switched Pulsed Laser (QSL) provides a versatile tech-
nique in a variety of applications like, for instance, in material
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology,
University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Viet
E-mail address: (H. Phan).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Science: Advanc
journal homepage: www.el
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 84e91Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.ergy into electricity. The four primary TENG concepts that were
proposed, include contact-separation (CS), lateral-sliding (LS),
of micro/nano fabrication technologies has been reported, such as
chemical etching [23]; nanoimprint lithography [24]; metal toclassical battery inheres the key technologies for energy storage
and supply solutions. However, the disadvantage of the battery
such as its limitation of power storage opens the challenge for the
development of self-powered systems. In regard to that problem,
the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has been invented and
investigated as the most promising energy technology [1,2]. By the
conjunction of triboelectric friction and electro-static induction,
TENG can be effective to convert external mechanical/physical en-
fundamentally operates on the base of the cont
of two different materials. The dissimilarity in
electric charge affinity generates the output vo
power [20]. Therefore, a triboelectric charge den
site for the performance of TENG. To improve t
density, the most popular solution is a miniatur
face structure, which enhances the local contact
triboelectric layers [21,22]. To serve the above-meThe integrated power supply plays a vital role in the improve-
ment of high mobility device systems. In the past few decades, the
[4e6], blue energy harvesting [7e10], Biomedical caring [11e14],
sensing and tracking [15e17] and high voltage source [18,19]. TENG1. Introduction
2468-2179/© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services b
( by the Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (ICP-RIE) technology. By adjusting the
QSL source parameters, many kinds of Al/PTFE concepts of synthetic devices with built-in contact-sep-
aration could systematically be characterized. The optimal triboelectric performance was confirmed by
the increase of the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current from 75 V to 148 V and from 6.8 mA
to 9.6 mA, respectively, and by a nearly 2.5 times higher power than that of a pristine Al-based device. The
real-time practical applicability of the SA-TENG concept was confirmed by the lighting up of 92 LEDs
connected in series and by the charging up of a 10 mF capacitor to 1.68 V in 30 s. This work provides an
effective direct writing process with a Q-switched Pulsed Laser for the fabrication of micro/nano-
structures on Aluminum and for the enhancement of the output performance of TENG, which would
greatly promote the TENG branding in mass manufacturing and micro-energy utilizations.
© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
power source, TENG has a great prospect as a solution for multi-
disciplinary applications such as portable integrated electronics3 November 2020
Accepted 4 November 2020Received in revised form
triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG). Here, we present a solution for the enhancement of the triboelectric
performance by utilizing a Q-switched Pulsed Laser (QSL) that directly writes on an Aluminum surface inOriginal Article
Q-switched pulsed laser direct writing o
nanostructure for triboelectric performa
Hai Phan a, b, *, P.N. Hoa b, H.A. Tam b, P.D. Thang a,
a Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology, University of Engineering and Tec
b VNU Key Laboratory for Micro and Nano Technology, University of Engineering and Te
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
a b s t r a c t
The micro/nano surface stry Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnamaluminum surface micro/
ce enhancement
logy, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Viet Nam
ology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Viet Nam
re of triboelectric layers possesses a critical impact on the performance of
ed Materials and Devices
sevier .com/locate/ jsamdNational University, Hanoi. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
polishing, corrosion removing, surface engraving and etching etc
[30e33]. Moreover, with the advantages of handling diverse ma-
terials, cost saving, mass production, simple operation and rapid
fabrication at high stability, the QSL is considered to be the major
industrial method for micro/nano surface fabrication in the topic of
TENG research and development.
In this research, we report on the micro/nano structure
enhanced TENG performance method by applying the direct
writing on Aluminum with a Q-switched Laser. The dependence of
the Al and Al-based surface morphology on the performance of
TENG is characterized by following the variation of QSL power,
an oven at 50 C for 15min. The prepared Al filmwas etched in a net
2 4
etching chamber, respectively. The plasma was produced by the
H. Phan, P.N. Hoa, H.A. Tam et al.400WRF power source and another DC power source of 100Wwas
Table 1
Q-switched pulsed laser direct writing parameters.
Source power (W) Scanning speed (mm/s) Grooves distance (mm)
S0 0 0 0
S1 15 500 10
S2 20
S3 30
S4 50
S5 1000 20
S6 2000 20
S7 20 1000 20configuration by the QSL technology. The laser source generates a
pulsed laser beam with an energy of 1 mJ, a width of 100 ms and a
wavelength of 1064 nm. In order to scan the laser on the surface of
the aluminium film, a Galvo scan head (purchased from Scanlab
Company, Germany) was used. The proper condition of the laser
source was confirmed by adjusting the groove distance, the laser
source power and the scanning speed. The characterized laser
source parameters are shown in Table 1.
At first, the QSL system operates at a power of 15 W and a
scanning speed of 500mm/s while the grooves distance varies from
10 mm to 50 mm. The dependence of the TENG performance on the
grooves spacing was examined in that case. Then, the scanning
speed and the power were changed consecutively to discover the
optimal condition of the QSL laser source on the Al-based TENG
2.2. PTFE surface etching and copper electrode deposition
Next, the Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching (ICP/
RIE) (RIE-ER-2X150, Elettrorava S.p.A.) was applied to create the
nanostructure on the PTFE surface. The commercial-graded PTFE
film (purchased from Shanghai Shenhao Rubber and Plastic Corp)
with a thickness of 100 mmwas firstly cleaned by a similar process
as mentioned before. The sample was then etched by introducing
O , Ar and CF with flow rates of 10, 15 and 30 sccm into the ICP/RIEscanning speed and groove space.
2. Experimental
2.1. Fabrication of the micro/nano surface structure of aluminum by
QSL direct writing
At first, a piece of conventional pure Al film (purchased from
Oristar corporation Vietnam) with an area of 5 cm 5 cm and a
thickness of 200 mmwas cleaned by acetone, methanol, isopropanol
and deionized water, consecutively. Then, the sample was dried inS8 40 1000 20
85applied to accelerate the plasma ions. The etching process was
conducted within 30 min.
The Cu electrode was deposited on the other non-etched side of
the PTFE film in 30 min using a sputtering facility (model number
ATC 2000) with an Ar flow rate of 40 sccm, a pressure of 107 Torr
and a power of 80 W.
2.3. The TENG fabrication
The nano-structured Al films and PTFE films (size of
5 cm 5 cm) were used to fabricate the TENG in the vertical sep-
aration mode. One nanostructured surface foil of Al and one
electrode-deposited nanostructured surface PTFE are added to two
pieces of acrylic (thickness of 0.5 cm and shaped by laser cutter
with the dimensions of 10 cm 10 cm). The elastic motion and
distance between themwas restricted to 1 cm by the installation of
springs at the four corners. The total size of the TENG is
10 cm 10 cm x 2.5 cm.
2.4. Characterizations
The vertical cyclic motion was generated by a self-constructed
motion system which operated by a programmed step motor. The
open-circuit voltage was measured with the digital oscilloscope
Tektronik DPO 4032 equipped with high voltage probe equipment.
The resistance of the oscilloscope and probe stick were 54 MU and
10 MU, respectively. The short-circuit current was measured by a
Low-noise Current Preamplifier SR570 (Stanford Research Systems,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA) that was connected with the oscilloscope. The
surface morphology and the structure properties of the Etched
PTFE and the QSL etched Al were examined by a Field Emission
Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (FESEM) (Jeol 6490 JED 2300 - Japan)
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 1 illustrates the TENG fabrication process. As in Fig. 1a, the
PTFE film surface was firstly miniaturized, then, the Cu electrode
was deposited. The surface of the Al foil was also etched to the
micro-nano scale by the QSL technology. This Al foil and the PTFE
filmwith Cu deposited on it were utilized to fabricate the TENG as is
schematically illustrated in Fig. 1c. The actual images of the elec-
trode deposited PTFE film, the etched Al foil and the TENG are
presented in Fig. 1d (I), 1d (II) and Fig. 1e, respectively.
The working principle of the fabricated TENG is illustrated in
Fig. 2. In the first state, the PTFE film is pressed by an external
perpendicular force to approach and come into contact with the
bottom Al film. Due to the difference in electron affinity, the Al film
will be positively charged because the PTFE inner surface was
charged negatively. At releasing the external force, the elasticity of
the springs detaches the two layers. And, therefore, the triboelec-
tric potential difference is created between the Al and PTFE surfaces
due to Gauss law. It means that, if the Cu electrode and the Al film
are connected in a close loop, the electrons will flow from the Al to
the Cu electrode to equalize the triboelectric potential (as shown in
state II). This current will be zero when PTFE moves to its initial
position. Afterwards, we press again as in state III and an induced
current will appear in the circuit with the reverse direction from
the top Cu electrode to the bottom Al film until those two layers
contact fully (state IV). The TENG operation will systematically and
repetitively follow that process until we remove the contact force.
The desired morphologies on both the PTFE and AL surfaces can
greatly increase the effective contact area and surface roughness,
which essentially improve the triboelectric charges during the
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 84e91contact and increase the capacitance to form a larger dipole
H. Phan, P.N. Hoa, H.A. Tam et al.moment between the electrodes during the contacting and
releasing processes.
3.1. Surface morphology
As already mentioned, the surface morphology of the PTFE is
presented in Fig. 3a. It can clearly be seen that the etched PTFE
surface exhibits a hierarchical nanostructure of 200 nm. These
crinkles were formed due to the disordered etch positions. The top
view SEM image of the nano-structured surface PTFE is shown in
Fig. 3a.
A micro/nano structured surface of Aluminum was successfully
created by the QSL technology. In general, laser pulses are essen-
tially high energy pulses. It acts on the Al surface by two effects:
melting and evaporating. Ignoring the impact of evaporation, the
melting phase has a great influence on the Al surface morphology.
Each individual laser pulse destructs the Al surface by creating a
Fig. 1. (a) Nano-structured surface of the PTFE film and the electrode deposited one. (b) Sch
(d) photographs of (I) electrode deposited PTFE and (II) Al film, etched by QSL. (e) Photogr
Fig. 2. Working principle o
86Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 84e91hole-like damage. A slower scanning speed leads to a lower density
of holes in the etching direction and forms trenches. The melted
components will jam together on both sides of the trenches and
form the hierarchy of the nanostructure at the surface of Al. On
these surfaces, the melted Al forms disordered mounds that differ
in density. Therefore, the parameters of the laser controlled holes
play the key role in forming the Al surface morphology. It simul-
taneously holds for the TENG performance. These features are
discussed in detail below.
3.2. Triboelectric performance
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the QSL parameters on the
Al/PTFE triboelectric performance, we systematically characterized
the electrical properties of TENG in terms of the variation of the
laser pulse power, the scanning speed and the grooves distance.
ematic illustration of the Al etching process by the QSL technology. (c) TENG structure.
aph of the fabricated TENG.
f the fabricated TENG.
H. Phan, P.N. Hoa, H.A. Tam et al. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 84e91Firstly, the laser power was set at 15 W, the scanning speed was
constantly kept at 500 mm/s whereas the grooves distance varied
from 10 mm to 50 mm (see Table 1) to perform the etching of the Al
surface,. The fabricated samples are S1, S2, S3 and S4, respectively.
The surface top view morphologies of these samples are shown in
Fig. 3a. The surface of the initial sample (S0) is completely smooth.
Under bombardment of laser pulses, the melted Al is extruded out
and forms the Almounds/particles. Five TENGs based on the surface
treated Al (including the pristine Al sample S0) were electrically
examinedwith a contact force of 10 N and a frequency of 1 Hz. Their
electrical performances are shown in Fig. 3b and c. Sample S1
shows a morphology with dense and big Al mounds/particles (scale
of 10e15 mm). In combination with the sub-micron scale PTFE, this
surface, with the above given characteristics, shows a slight
Fig. 3. (a) The surface morphologies of the nanostructured PTFE film and of the surface-et
voltage and (c) The short-circuit current of TENGs which use the above mentioned Al films
87enhancement of the TENG performance. Considering the samples
S1 to S4, the morphologies of the Al foils are not distinctly different
under these etching conditions. When the gap is 10 mm, the overlap
is considerable, which leads to the formation of dense and big-size
Al particles. For samples S2 and S3, the grooves overlap is trivial. As
a consequence, the formed particles are smaller (5e7 mm). The
coupling of these small-scale surface structures of Al and the PTFE
treatment experimentally generate the enhanced performance. The
TENG performance of sample S4 decreased due to the appearance
of a huge bulk of Al (~17e20 mm)which largely prevents the contact
between PTFE and the Al surface. The sample S0 shows the lowest
electric signal with an open-circuit voltage and a short-circuit
current of ~75 V and 6.8 mA, respectively, while sample S2 pre-
sents a notably better performance with values of ~122 V and
ched Al films with different groove distances (samples S0 e S4). (b) The open-circuit
as their main component.
7.8 mA. The remaining samples show output values a little bit lower
than that of sample S2. The order of the output performance of the
fabricated TENGs follows the sequence S2 ~ S3 > S4 > S1 > S0. The
negligible difference in TENG output signals confirms that a power
of 15 W and a scanning speed of 500 mm/s are not the proper
technical values for an enhancement of the TENG performance.
Secondly, in order to investigate the enhanced electrical output
characteristics of TENG with different morphologies of Al due to
the adjustment of the scanning speed, the sample S2 and two
other samples S5 and S6 were measured. The laser source pa-
rameters are focused on the variation of the scanning speed of
500 mm/s (S2), 1000 mm/s (S5) and 2000 mm/s (S6) while the
power and the grooves distance are kept at 15 W and 20 mm,
respectively. As shown in Fig. 4a, a hole with a diameter of 30 mm
can be clearly seen in the SEM image of S6. However, the micro Al
mound is conspicuous in the SEM image of S2. And S5 shows an
outstandingly etched surface with mound sizes of 600 nm to 5 mm
and a space that is more than 10 mm. Moreover, the low density of
those mounds can lead to a full contact between PTFE and the Al
surface. The collected results in Fig. 4b and c and reconfirm the
above conclusion.
The TENG e S5 produced the most impressive signals with an
open-circuit voltage of ~148 V and a short-circuit current of ~9.6 mA.
The TENG e S6 is the weakest one with an open-circuit voltage of
~94 V and a short-circuit current of ~5.8 mA. This poor signal can be
explained by the highly wrinkled structure that prevents contact
and reduces the local contact area between the PTFE and Al films.
Finally, the dependence of the performance of TENGs on the
laser power source was studied. Sample S5 with the most favorable
triboelectric properties was compared with two other samples
which were fabricated by etching at two different power levels of
20 W and 40W. As can be imagined, the higher the laser power the
deeper the etched holes and the higher the jammed wrinkles
appear. This claim can be partly confirmed in Fig. 5a with SEM
images of S5, S7 and S8 in an intuitive comparative order. The size
of the Al mounds of S7 is approximately 10 mm, and that of S8 is
even much larger with sizes of 10 mm up to 18 mm. The density of
the Al mounds of S7 and S8 is also higher than that of S5. The
electric signal of their respective TENGs is shown in Fig. 5b and c.
The samples fabricated with the higher laser power of 20 W (S7)
and 40 W (S8) present a significant difference compared to that of
15 W (S5). The TENG e S7 produces an open-circuit voltage of
H. Phan, P.N. Hoa, H.A. Tam et al. Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 6 (2021) 84e91Fig. 4. (a) The surface morphology of the nanostructure PTFE film and of the surface-etche
short-circuit current of TENGs which used the above mentioned Al films as their main com
88d Al films based on different scanning speeds. (b) The open-circuit voltage and (c) The
H. Phan, P.N. Hoa, H.A. Tam et al.~106 V and a short-circuit current of ~7.0 mA. The result is even
worse for TENG e S8 for which the open-circuit voltage and short-
circuit current are ~88 V and ~6.6 mA, respectively. The above re-
cords confirm that sample e S5 with the following QSL etching
conditions: laser power of 15 W, scanning speed of 1000 mm/s and
grooves space of 20 mm, shows the optimal performance in the
proposed construction of TENG.
To evaluate the effective power of TENG, the peak output voltage
and the current were measured under various values of external
resistances. In this cas