Tuyen Quang is one of the provinces at high risk of flash floods in the Northern
Midlands and Mountains of Vietnam. In the rainy season, like other localities in
the region, Tuyen Quang has a long, concentrated rainfall combined with steep
hills and mountains, large divisions, many rivers, and streams; In addition, the
thinning of the vegetation cover due to excessive exploitation of the forest by the
local people causes flash floods to appear more and more. Applying GIS and
remote sensing to establish a map of flash flood risk is a quantitative approach and
high reliability. This article has established a flash flood hazard map at a scale of
1/100,000 in Tuyen Quang province. In the map database, districts with a high risk
of flash flood were identified, including Na Hang, Chiem Hoa, Ham Yen, and Lam
Binh, the average flash flood hazard level included districts: Yen Son, Son Duong;
Tuyen Quang city has a low risk of flash floods.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Application gis and remote sensingto establish flash flood hazard map in tuyen quang province, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
No.21_June 2021 |p.142-149
ISSN: 2354 - 1431
Tran Duc Van1,*
1 Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam
* Email address: vantd@tnue.edu.vn
Article info
Tuyen Quang is one of the provinces at high risk of flash floods in the Northern
Midlands and Mountains of Vietnam. In the rainy season, like other localities in
the region, Tuyen Quang has a long, concentrated rainfall combined with steep
hills and mountains, large divisions, many rivers, and streams; In addition, the
thinning of the vegetation cover due to excessive exploitation of the forest by the
local people causes flash floods to appear more and more. Applying GIS and
remote sensing to establish a map of flash flood risk is a quantitative approach and
high reliability. This article has established a flash flood hazard map at a scale of
1/100,000 in Tuyen Quang province. In the map database, districts with a high risk
of flash flood were identified, including Na Hang, Chiem Hoa, Ham Yen, and Lam
Binh, the average flash flood hazard level included districts: Yen Son, Son Duong;
Tuyen Quang city has a low risk of flash floods.
Tuyen Quang, flash
flood hazard, establish
map, Application GIS
No.21_June 2021 |p.142-149
ISSN: 2354 - 1431
Trần Đức Văn1,*
1 Đại học Sư phạm Thái Nguyên, Việt Nam
* Địa chỉ email: vantd@tnue.edu.vn
Thông tin bài viết Tóm tắt
Ngày nhận bài:
Ngày duyệt đăng:
Tuyên Quang là một trong những tỉnh có nguy cơ cao xảy ra lũ quét ở Trung
du và miền núi phía Bắc Việt Nam. Về mùa mưa, cũng như các địa phương
trong vùng, Tuyên Quang có lượng mưa tập trung lớn, kéo dài, kết hợp với
địa hình đồi núi dốc, chia cắt lớn, nhiều sông suối; Ngoài ra, lớp phủ thực vật
ngày càng mỏng do người dân khai thác rừng quá mức khiến lũ quét xuất
hiện ngày càng nhiều. Ứng dụng GIS và viễn thám để thành lập bản đồ nguy
cơ lũ quét là phương pháp tiếp cận định lượng và độ tin cậy cao. Bài báo này
đã thành lập bản đồ nguy cơ lũ quét tỷ lệ 1/100.000 tỉnh Tuyên Quang. Trong
cơ sở dữ liệu bản đồ đã xác định các huyện có nguy cơ lũ quét cấp cao gồm
Na Hang, Chiêm Hóa, Hàm Yên, Lâm Bình, cấp độ nguy hiểm lũ quét trung
bình gồm các huyện: Yên Sơn, Sơn Dương; Thành phố Tuyên Quang có
nguy cơ lũ quét cấp thấp.
Từ khóa:
Tuyen Quang, nguy cơ lũ
quét, thành lập bản đồ,ứng
dụng GIS
1. Introduction
Flash flood is a form of geological and
hydrographic catastrophe with great devastation,
causing serious consequences for the people. Tuyen
Quang province is located in the northern
mountainous region, the topography is quite steep
and strongly divided. In addition, heavy rainfall,
highly concentrated in the rainy season months,
makes many areas at high risk of flash floods and
landslides, especially in areas with devastated
vegetation. Over the years, people here have always
faced many risks of flash floods, along with property
damage, changing the face of the landscape in the
area. Nowadays, the application of GIS technology
in flash flood research is becoming more popular and
also brings many clear advantages.
Recently, there have been a number of research
works related to the construction of flash flood
warning models such as: Application of GIS and
Remote Sensing in mapping the potential of flash
flood in Son La Province, Vietnam by a team of
authors from Faculty of Geography, Hanoi National
University of Education; or Building an early warning
system for flash flood in the mountainous area, a case
study in Thuan Chau district, Son La province by a
group of authors from Thuy loi University, University
of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Institute of Mechanism, Vietnam Academy of
Science. These works have used methods such as the
FFPI model, which is a quantitative model to
determine the risk of flash flood generation based on
the inherent characteristics of the study area such as
T.D.Van/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
slope, soil texture, type land use, vegetation cover;
or MCA multi-criteria integration model. This is a
model that integrates hydrological and
geomorphological models basin with the help of
GIS technology.
In this paper, we use spatial data that can be
modeled such as DEM, mean catchment slope map,
landslide hazard map and mean annual precipitation
map, combined with weights for each factor. The
factors affecting flash flood by analytical
hierarchical method (AHP) to map flash flood risk
used in this paper show reliable results. The
combination of using DEM model, hierarchical
analysis method combined with satellite image
analysis to create flash flood hazard map is the
novelty of this study.
2. Data and research methods
2.1. Data
Data sources used for the study include:
- Map database: Geological map of Tuyen
Quang province, topographic map of Tuyen Quang
province at scale of 1: 100,000; slope maps, depth
division maps, cross section maps, annual average
rainfall maps, land use status quo maps of Tuyen
Quang province; Remote sensing image Satellite-
- Supporting software: Mapinfo 15.0, ArcGIS
10.5, Mapsource and Google Earth.
- Data collected from field survey.
2.2. Research Methods
The research methods of the topic include:
remote sensing image analysis method, field survey
method, AHP analysis method, GIS spatial data
analysis method.
- Remote sensing image analysis is used to
interpret flash flood locations in the study area.
- Field survey includes monitoring, conducting
detailed measurements, determining the scale and
characteristics of flash floods and the impact factors
that generate flash floods. Since then, to conduct an
assessment of the current state and changes of flash
floods in the Tuyen Quang province.
- The method of hierarchical analysis (AHP) is
to determine the role of each factor in the factors
that generate flash floods on the basis of weighting
and scoring.
Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to
build spatial analysis, management, integration and
overlapping layers of map information.
The AHP model combined with GIS will help to
select elements, synthesize information suitable for
research subjects.
To determine the level of risk of flash flooding,
the thesis integrates the criteria according to the
formula (1) (according to Patrono, et al., 1995):
FSI = ∑ 𝑊𝑗𝑋𝑖𝑗𝑛𝑗=1 (1)
In which: FSI (Flash flood Susceptibility Index):
is the index of risk of flash flood occurrence
Wj: is the weight of factor j
Xij: is the number of grades i in the factor
causing slip j
The integration of AHP into GIS via linked
formula (1) and calculated by Raster Caculator tool
of ArcGis 10.5 software
3. Research results
3.1. The main factors causing flash floods in
Tuyen Quang province
The main factors that generate flash floods
include: the risk of landslides, slope and
precipitation. In which rainfall is the main factor;
slope plays an important role in influencing flow
rate; a landslide risk factor provides reinforcement
for flash flood generation.[3]Each of the factors
mentioned above has a different role and influence
on the generation of flash floods. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyze, evaluate the weight and score
each factor accordingly.
Using the AHP assessment method, we assigned
scores to each factor based on the importance of
flash flood formation (in Table 1).
Table 1.Assessment scores of flash flood factors
Average annual
Average slope of the
The risk of landslides
scores 5 3 1
T.D.Van/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
Each factor will be weighted by AHP method, comparing the correlation between factors by making a matrix,
calculating the corresponding weight score of each factor (in Table 2 and Table 3).
Table 2.Matrix of correlation between flash flood generation factors
Average annual
Average slope of
the sub-basins
The risk of
Average annual rainfall 1 1.7 5
Average slope of the sub-
0.6 1 3
The risk of landslides 0.2 0.6 1
Total 1.8 3.3 9
Table 3. Matrix determines weight of factors
annual rainfall
slope of the
The risk of
Average annual rainfall 0.6 0.51 0.6 0.568
Average slope of the sub-
0.33 0.31 0.33 0.323
The risk of landslides 0.11 0.18 0.11 0.130
3.1.1. The Average annual rainfall
Rainfall factor plays a key role in generating
flash floods. Rainfall includes the intensity of rain
and the time of rain being observed, measured and
assessed the impact on the generation of flash
floods.[2] Flash floods usually form in a short,
sudden, high speed period, and often occur in areas
with heavy, intense and prolonged rain. According
to monitoring results over the past 20 years, the
annual average rainfall of Tuyen Quang province is
1,600 - 2,100 mm / year. Rainfall is unevenly
distributed throughout the year, concentrating
mainly in the rainy season months (July, August
and September), accounting for 72% of the total
annual rainfall.
On the basis of the observed data, a map of the
annual average rainfall of Tuyen Quang province
was made. Analysis and statistics results from the
map are shown in Table 4
Table 4. Hierarchy effect and area of annual average rainfall factor
Level affects the occurrence
of flash floods
Average annual
rainfall (mm)
Area (km2) Area (%)
Level 1: Very low ≤ 1,400 906.0 15.44
Level 2: Low 1,401 - 1,600 1,110.2 18.92
Level 3: Moderate 1,601 - 1,800 1,913.0 32.60
Level 4: High 1,801 - 2,000 1,482.3 25.26
Level 5: Very high > 2,000 456.5 7.78
The whole province 5,868.0 100
3.1.2. The Average slope of the sub-basins
The average slope of the river sub-basins plays
an important role in the generation of flash floods.
The average slope map of the sub-basins was
developed using ArcGIS 10.5 software in
combination with Mapinfo 15.0 software.
The thesis has divided the average slope of the
sub-basins into 5 levels affecting the possibility of
flash flooding in Tuyen Quang province. The
analysis results from the slope map are shown in
the data sheet (Table 5).
V.T.Phuong/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
Table 5. Hierarchy effect and area of sub-basin average slope factor
Level affects the occurrence
of flash floods
Average slope of
the sub-basins
Area (km2) Area (%)
Level 1: Very low ≤ 10o 826.2 14.08
Level 2: Low 11o - 20o 1,932.9 32.94
Level 3: Moderate 21o - 30o 1,859.0 31.68
Level 4: High 31o - 40o 987.0 16.82
Level 5: Very high > 40o 262.9 4.48
The whole province 5,868.0 100
3.1.3. The risk of landslides
The risk factor for landslides is an important
generation factor, creating raw materials for the
formation of flash floods. The landslide hazard map
is built on the integrated, weighted basis of
component maps such as slope map, annual average
rainfall map, rock component feature map, division
map depth, transect maps, fault density maps and
land use status quo maps.[2,4] After the landslide
map was created and based on the score value, the
author divided into 5 levels corresponding to its
impact on the hazard of flash floods from low to
high (table 6)
Table 6. Classification of influence and area of landslide factor on flash flood hazard
Level affects the occurrence of flash
Area (km2) Area (%)
Level 1: Very low 867.9 14.79
Level 2: Low 1,653.6 28.18
Level 3: Moderate 1,915.9 32.65
Level 4: High 1,186.5 20.22
Level 5: Very high 244.1 4.16
The whole province 5,868.0 100
3.2. Application GIS to establish flash flood
hazard map in Tuyen Quang province
Assessment of flash flood risk in Tuyen Quang
province, the project has developed flash flood
hazard map at scale of 1: 100,000 by integrating
AHP weighting model into GIS.
The flash flood hazard map was built on the
basis of spatial analysis in ArcGIS 10.5 software. In
particular, the calculation function on the map
(Raster Caculator) has allowed the integration of
many layers of information according to the
mathematical functions on the ArcGIS 10.5
software. The classification function allows to
simplify and classify flash flood risks according to
05 different levels.
The factors evaluated often differ in units of
measure. Therefore, to assess the importance of
these factors to the flash flood risk generation
process, we evaluate them on a standard unit scale.
All component classes were rated on a Saaty scale.
With the decentralization of factor maps into 5
levels corresponding to Saaty's scale, the weighted
points will be as follows:
Level 1: 1 point, level 2: 3 points, level 3: 5
points, level 4: 7 points and level 5: 9 points.
The factor maps, after decentralized affecting
flash floods, determine corresponding weights and
integrated the formula for calculating flash flood
risk index (1) into the GIS environment through the
Raster Calculator tool on the software. ArcGIS
10.5: Calculation results show that the value of
flash flood risk (FSI) of the research territory varied
from 1,692 to 9,213. To calculate the distance
between the selected levels, the paper uses the
formula for calculating the point distance:
T.D.Van/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
𝐹𝑆𝐼max − 𝐹𝑆𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛
, (2)
In which: 𝐹𝑆𝐼: Flash flood hazard index
𝐹𝑆𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 : Maximum value of flash flood risk score
𝐹𝑆𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛: Minimum score for flash flood risk score
n: Number of levels to divide (n = 5)
Substituting values into formula (2), we have
the distance between levels as follows:
9,213 − 1,692
= 1.504
Flash flood phenomenon only occurs in the
areas with the flow, so the flash flood risk map after
re-classification according to 05 risk levels,
separated by the flow units and area statistics of
levels flash flood risks follow the flow in table 07.
Table 7. Area of flash flood hazard levels in Tuyen Quang province
Level of flash flood hazard
Area (km2) Area (%)
Valuable range of
Level 1: Very low 375.0 6.39 1.692 - 3.196
Level 2: Low 665.4 11.34 3.197 - 4.700
Level 3: Moderate 602.6 10.27 4.701 - 6.204
Level 4: High 155.5 2.65 6.205 - 7.708
Level 5: Very high 75.7 1.29 7.709 - 9.213
Total 1,874.2 31.94
Provincial total 5,868.0 100
Table 7 shows that the total area at risk of flash
floods is 1,874.2 km2, accounting for 31.94% of
the total area of the province. In which the ratio of
very high risk area was 1.29%, high risk was
2.65%, mean 10.27%, low risk and very low risk
In terms of administrative units, we conduct
statistics on flash flood risks in each district and
city (Table 8).
Table 8. Statistics of areas of flash flood hazard levels by district-level
administrativeunit in Tuyen Quang province
administ-rative unit
Level of flash flood hazard
Level 1 and level 2
Very low and low
Level 3
Level 4 and level 5
High and very
to the
to the
to the
Tuyen Quang city 184.4 3.14 18.78 0.32 0 0 0 0
Chiem Hoa 1,146.2 19.53 156.68 2.67 118.53 2.02 53.99 0.92
Ham Yen 907.0 15.46 113.84 1.94 89.19 1.52 51.05 0.87
Lam Binh 917.6 15.64 126.75 2.16 113.84 1.94 42.84 0.73
Na Hang 865.5 14.75 135.55 2.31 173.69 2.96 71.00 1.21
Son Duong 790.6 13.47 267.58 4.56 56.92 0.97 7.04 0.12
T.D.Van/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
administ-rative unit
Level of flash flood hazard
Level 1 and level 2
Very low and low
Level 3
Level 4 and level 5
High and very
to the
to the
to the
Yen Son 1,056.7 18.01 221.22 3.77 50.46 0.86 5.28 0.09
The whole province 5,868.0 100.00 1,040.4 17.73 602.6 10.27 231.2 3.94
Table 8 shows: The districts with high and very high risk of flash flood are concentrated in the districts of Na
Hang, Chiem Hoa, Lam Binh and Ham Yen. Districts at moderate flash flood risk include Son Duong and Yen
Son. Tuyen Quang city has a low and very low risk of flash floods.
Flash flood hazard map of Tuyen Quang province
V.T.Phuong/ No.21_Jun 2021|p.142-149
4. Conclusion
Through research and survey of flash flood
situation as well as results of mapping flash flood
risk in Tuyen Quang province, we would like to
give some general conclusions as follows:
- In the whole province, there have been 19
points where flash floods occur with different
types: flash floods on steep slopes, floods with
congestion and mixed flash floods. The locations
of flash flood-prone spots quite coincide with the
high and very high risk of flash floods on the
constructed map.
- The main factors causing flash floods are
identified as annual average rainfall, average slope
and the risk of landslides.
- The high risk of flash floods and catastrophes
usually concentrates in areas with steep slopes and
dense rivers and streams. In the area of Tuyen
Quang province, special attention should be paid to
and the possibility of flash floods occurring in
communes Sinh Long, Thuong Nong, Con Lon,
Khau Tinh (Na Hang district), Phuc Yen, Khuon
Ha, Xuan Lap and Lang Can (Lam Binh district),
Trung Ha, Hong Quang, Minh Quang, Kien Dai
(Chiem Hoa district) communes, and Minh
Khuong, Minh Dan and Yen Phuc communes (Ham
Yen district).
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